Main > Diseases> Knotty erythema

Knotty erythema

The knotty erythema is a disease at which there is an inflammation of a hypodermic fatty tissue and vessels of skin. Is Узловатая эритема – болезнь, при которой возникает воспаление подкожно-жировой клетчатки и сосудов кожиvery widespread, especially often there is a knotty erythema at pregnancy.

Symptoms of a knotty erythema

Symptom of a knotty erythema is emergence of small knots with a diameter from 1 to 3 cm. Often they arise on shins, but also can appear in a zone of hips, buttocks and hands. As a rule, emergence of small knots is symmetric on both extremities. Small knots have a brilliant, thin and hot surface, are slightly higher than the level of a surface of skin and are painful during pressing.

Harbingers of emergence of rash at a knotty erythema are dray feelings in joints, the conditions of a febricula and fever similar to states at flu.

Reasons of a knotty erythema

There is a lot of reasons of a knotty erythema and they are rather different. The most widespread consider tuberculosis, streptococcal infections and a sarcoidosis. Other main reasons for a knotty erythema:


  • Trikhofitoz;
  • Pakhovy lymphogranulomatosis;
  • Disease of "cat's scratches";
  • Leprosy;
  • Zymonematosis;
  • Histoplasmosis;
  • Koktsidiomikoz;
  • Iyersinioz;
  • Psittacosis.


  • Pregnancy;
  • Vaccines;
  • Drugs;
  • Hodzhkin's disease;
  • Leukosis;
  • Tumors;
  • Regional enteritis;
  • Ulcer colitis;
  • Diseases of intestines of inflammatory character;
  • Bekhchet's syndrome.

The knotty erythema can arise from the use of salicylates, iodides, bromides, streptocides, antibiotics and other drugs, especially from use of contraceptives and contraceptives. Those people who have a varicosity and thrombophlebitis are also subject. Is explained by these factors why pregnant women are strongly subject to a knotty erythema.

Often knotty erythema can be an independent disease. In such cases it is impossible to establish the reason.

Disease forms

Distinguish an acute and chronic knotty erythema.

The acute form is characterized by fervescence to 39 °C, emergence of a fever, joint pain, a neck, hips and shoulders. Under skin there are consolidations which do not have a clear boundary. Bright red spots which appear in the beginning pass within a month.

Subspecies of a chronic form are the allergic vasculitis and the wandering Beverstedt's erythema. The allergic vasculitis differs in a small amount of small knots which do not pass and, respectively, do not change the color. Proceeds very long, often there is recurrence. At the wandering Beverstedt's erythema small knots appear and fade, and on perimeter there are new centers which are not changing the coloring.

Treatment of a knotty erythema

To define the reasons and to appoint treatment of a knotty erythema, it is necessary to address the dermatologist. The doctor will expose the diagnosis during visual survey. At primary address the smear from a pharynx on identification of a streptococcus and kcal on an iyersiniya is given, the roentgenogram of lungs becomes to exclude a sarcoidosis and tuberculosis.

Rash at a knotty erythema, as a rule, treat by means of corticosteroids. But they are not used if there are infectious diseases.

Различают острую и хроническую узловатую эритемуGenerally knotty erythema treat salicylates and a wide range of antihistamines: Diazolinum, Suprastinum, zirteky, tavegil, telfasty, klaritiny. Sometimes also appoint antibiotics. To carry out self-treatment or independently it is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics as it can cause allergic manifestations and complications in digestive tract.

The bed rest is surely shown. For treatment also use physical therapy – the warming Ichthyol compresses, фонофорез, UVCh, warm compresses on a shin, a diathermy. After treatment of local symptoms the immunostrengthening therapy is carried out.

The milk and vegetable diet is recommended. It is desirable to exclude spicy, fried and greasy food, preservatives from a diet.

Knotty erythema at pregnancy

At emergence at the pregnant woman of a knotty erythema doctors carry at once out diagnosis on identification of the reason. It is very important as if serious diseases, such as tuberculosis are the reason, Bekhchet's disease or diseases of digestive tract, treatment will be much more difficult.

In mother's womb the knotty erythema practically does not influence the child. It is more harmful to mother as can cause cordial complications. There are also cases when the disease independently passes by the end of the II-III trimester.

In the absence of complications topical treatment is carried out: индовазин apply to greasing of the centers, and in small amounts paracetamol appoint curantyl inside. The inflammatory phenomena are removed aspirin in small doses, heat diclofenac.

During treatment of a knotty erythema at pregnancy it is important to adhere to the correct mode of rest and a dream. It is also important to decide on load of vessels in the lower extremities: it has to be minimum, but at the same time has to support vessels in a tone. The doctor depending on disease severity will register or alternation of motive loadings with rest, or a bed rest. It is very important to pick up correctly treatment, otherwise even after the delivery the knotty erythema can not pass, and take the chronic form at which will constantly become aggravated in the spring and in the fall, and also during unfavorable conditions (stresses, change of climate, infectious diseases) or the following pregnancy.

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