Application instruction:
Vazoket – the drug having venotoniziruyushchy and venoprotektorny effect.
Drug is produced in the form of tablets of 600 mg (in blisters, on 15 or 30 pieces in packaging).
Active ingredient of Vazoket is diosmin, as auxiliary components drug contains:
Indications to Vazoket's use are:
Vazoket's use contraindicated patients is younger than 18 years, and also with hypersensitivity to drug components.
Exacerbation of hemorrhoids: at an exacerbation of hemorrhoids it is recommended to accept within 1 week on 2-3 tablets a day, during food. If necessary it is possible to continue to accept drug of 1 times in knocks on 1 tablet for 1-2 months.
Varicosity of the lower extremities and initial stage of chronic limfovenozny insufficiency: on 1 tablet a day within 2 months (it is recommended to accept drug in the morning till a breakfast). At severe forms of chronic limfovenozny insufficiency duration of therapy makes 3-4 months, in the presence of ulcers and trophic changes treatment can continue up to 6 months and more. If necessary a course of therapy is conducted repeatedly in 2-3 months.
At chronic limfovenozny insufficiency in II and III trimesters of pregnancy: on 1 tablet of 1 times a day, drug is cancelled in 2-3 weeks prior to childbirth.
If one or several next doses of Vazoket were passed, treatment continues in a usual dosage.
Vazoket's use can cause the following side effects:
There are Vazoket's uses given about possible efficiency for prevention of the bleedings arising in the period of a phlebectomy and when using intrauterine spirals, and also at treatment of fetoplacental insufficiency.
Therapy of an exacerbation of hemorrhoids is performed in a complex with other medicines. If the bystry clinical effect is absent, carrying out additional inspection and correction of the carried-out treatment is recommended.
Vazoket's analogs are: Diosmin, Flebofa, Flebodia 600.
Period of validity – 3 years to store at a temperature not above 30 °C. To protect from children.
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Section: Articles about health