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Villiziyev circle

Villiziyev a circle (circulus arteriosus cerebri Willisii) is an anastomosis between vertebralno-basilar and carotid system of blood supply of a brain. It is in the basis of a brain and represents the network of arteries having the oval form with the smallest cross diameter. The name got this anatomic education by last name the English doctor who for the first time described it.Виллизиев круг - артериальный круг головного мозга

The following arteries take part in formation of the pool of Villiziyev of a circle:

  • Initial part of a back brain artery;
  • Connecting back artery;
  • Supraklinoidny part of internal carotid arteries;
  • Front connecting artery;
  • Initial part of a front brain artery.

Villiziyev's functions circle

Villiziyev a circle connects each of carotid arteries not only among themselves, but also to system of vertebral arteries. At normal development of Villiziyev of a circle its right and left half have a symmetric structure.

The main function of Villiziyev of a circle is ensuring full blood supply of certain sites of a brain, in case of the blood-groove caused by any cause of infringement in one of cervical arteries.

Villiziyev's diseases circle: symptoms

Normal development of Villiziyev of a circle occurs no more than at 50% of people. The most often found pathology of this arterial system are different types of hypoplasias of connecting arteries. Aneurisms of arteries of a brain also most often affect Villiziyev's vessels of a circle.

At a hypoplasia of vessels of Villiziyev of a circle symptoms can be absent, it is natural on condition of a normal blood-groove in pools of other brain arteries. In this case pathology comes to light as an accidental diagnostic find when carrying out a magnetic resonance tomography.

As showed results of the recent research conducted by scientists from university of Pennsylvania at some people asymmetric development of Villiziyev of a circle can be the reason of the frequent attacks of migraine proceeding with rather expressed aura.Полный и неполный Виллизиев круг

At aneurism of vessels of Villiziyev of a circle symptoms usually are absent until there comes its gap. In case of a gap blood begins to follow from the damaged vessel in a subarachnoid space. Patients begin to complain of a headache, awful on the force, which quite often is followed by nausea, vomiting, intolerance of bright light, a stiff neck. At considerable hemorrhage the coma quickly develops or the patient dies practically at once.

Villiziyev's diseases circle: treatment

Many people, having learned that they have an option of development of Villiziyev of a circle which is not meeting standard, fall into despair, considering that they have a serious disease demanding a certain therapy. But actually Villiziyev's treatment of a circle is not carried out.

As we already spoke above, there are various options of development of Villiziyev of a circle and those from them that are considered as norm, occur not at each person. Vessels of this arterial pool are intended not so much for blood supply of cells of a brain how many for compensation resulting from thrombosis, disturbances of a brain blood-groove due to transfer of blood from one arterial pool in another. Therefore in most cases pathology of development of Villiziyev of a circle of treatment does not demand.

In the presence of aneurism of one of Villiziyev's arteries of a circle – treatment surgical also consists in bandaging of aneurism. When there comes opening of aneurism, conservative treatment, same is carried out, as well as at the subarachnoidal hemorrhage caused by any other reason.

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