Grape diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:4 day

4 of 5

Refined and not hungry, despite low caloric content, the Grape diet will suit those who are ready to spend some time and forces for preparation of special dishes, for example grape jelly or pumpkin and grape salad.

Recommended частота:раз in 3 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Grapes, because of a large amount of the sugars which are contained in it, are usually prohibited on low-calorie diets. Meanwhile it has the mass of useful properties, and at the correct use promotes improvement of a metabolism and, as a result, weight reduction.

Grapes are rich with useful substances: vitamins A, B, P, K, C, macro - and microelements (calcium, phosphorus, zinc, potassium, magnesium, iron), sugar, cellulose, pectinaceous substances, polyphenols (the substance which are regulating a lipometabolism and slowing down aging processes). Its regular use improves brain activity, calms a nervous system, normalizes work of intestines.

The grape diet is expected four days during which it is necessary to adhere to strictly ordered diet.

The menu included special dietary dishes which recipes are given below.  

  • Pumpkin and grapes salad

Ingredients: 250 g of pumpkin, 100 g of grapes, 150 g of sheet salad, 1 tablespoon of chopped walnuts, butter. To cut pumpkin in cubes and to fry slightly on butter. Small to cut lettuce leaves, to divide grape berries into halves. Pumpkin, grapes and lettuce leaves to mix, fill with mix of the mustard and vinegar divorced oil in which pumpkin was fried. From above to strew ready salad with nuts.

  • Rice with shrimps and grapes

Ingredients: 5 tablespoons of rice, 100 g of grapes, 5-6 small shrimps, olive oil for frying. Rice to boil and mix with grapes. Shrimps to fry in oil, to add salt and pepper, to lay out on rice.

  • Grape dessert with yogurt

Ingredients: 150-200 g of natural yogurt, 150 g of grapes, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. To mix yogurt with lemon juice in the mixer, to fill in with mix grapes.

  • Vegetable stew

Ingredients: 100 g of potatoes, 1 carrots, celery root piece, 1 stalk of leek, 1 h l. low-fat sour cream. Vegetables to cut, put in a pan and to extinguish under a cover within 10-15 minutes. To add salt, pepper, bay leaf, to fill with sour cream.

  • Fish with stewed cabbage and grapes

Ingredients: 150 g of cabbage (it is possible fermented), 1 bulb, 300 g of fish fillet, 50 g of dark grapes, a little vegetable oil for suppression. To crush onions, cabbage, to fry slightly in oil, then to extinguish within 10 minutes. To lay out fish fillet on cabbage, to add grapes and to extinguish 10 more minutes then to salt.

  • Grape jelly

Ingredients: ½ apples, 50 g of grapes, 150 ml of grape juice, 10 g of gelatin. Gelatin to fill in 1 tbsp of water when bulks up, to dissolve in previously warmed up grape juice. To fill in with juice with gelatin grapes and small cut apple, to put for 1 hour in the refrigerator.

  • Grape pancakes

Ingredients: for the test – 1 egg, 100 ml of water, 2-3 tablespoons of flour, for a stuffing – 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese, 50 g of grapes. To bake several pancakes of the test, to wrap in them a cottage cheese and grape stuffing. From above pancakes can be strewed with cinnamon.

  • Turkey with mushrooms and vegetables

Ingredients: 50 g of fillet of a turkey, 100 g of broccoli, 50 g of champignons, 1 carrots, 50 g of red grapes, 2 tablespoons of sour cream, a little vegetable oil for roasting. To cut meat thin strips and to fry. To cut broccoli and champignons, to grate carrots on a large grater. To put everything in a pan and to extinguish within 10 minutes. To add grapes and sour cream to a ready dish.

Виноградная диета: особенности питания


The grape diet allows to get rid in four days of 2-3 kg of excess weight, and without harm for health, and without refusing tasty refined dishes.

The diet is favorable for cardiovascular, circulatory system and kidneys, positively affects a condition of an organism in general, saturating it with useful substances.

Preparation of special dietary dishes will allow to open for itself new flavoring combinations and to improve the culinary skills that, undoubtedly, it is useful also after end of a diet.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The risk of bystry set of the lost kilograms after end of a diet therefore it is recommended to leave it is high, gradually increasing the caloric content of a diet and keeping reasonable restrictions on the volume of portions and the choice of food stuffs.

The diet is not recommended to people with a diabetes mellitus and diseases of bodies of a digestive tract.

What products are resolved?

Except grapes enter a diet of the Grape diet:

  • Meat: fillet of a turkey and chicken;
  • Fish fillet;
  • Shrimps;
  • Fruit: oranges, pineapples, papaya, apples, lemons;
  • Vegetables: potatoes, carrots, celery, onions, pumpkin, white cabbage and broccoli, sheet salad, champignons;
  • Dairy products of low fat content: yogurt without additives, sour cream, cream cheese;
  • Bread from coarse flour;
  • Rice;
  • Muesli;
  • Walnuts;
  • Creamy and vegetable oil;
  • Spices: black pepper, cinnamon, etc.;
  • Green tea.

Salt is resolved in a small amount.

What products are prohibited?

All products which are not specified in the list resolved, including sugar are prohibited.


Menu of the Grape diet:

First day (800-850 kcal)

Breakfast: 1 tablespoons of muesli from 150 g of yogurt, 100 g of grapes, ½ oranges.

Lunch: pumpkin salad with виноградом*.

Dinner: chicken fillet, fruit salad from 100 g of grapes, 50 g of pineapple, ¼ papayas and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice.

Second day (750-780 kcal)

Breakfast: a grape dessert with йогуртом*.

Lunch: rice with shrimps and виноградом*.

Dinner: vegetable stew *, grapes.

Third day (650-700 kcal)

Breakfast: a toast with cream cheese, grapes.

Lunch: fish with stewed cabbage * and grapes.

Dinner: grape желе*.

Fourth day (800-850 kcal)

Breakfast: a piece of bread, 100 g of cottage cheese with salt, pepper and greens, 100 g of grapes.

Lunch: grape блинчики*.

Dinner: a turkey with vegetables and грибами*.

* the dishes prepared according to the special recipes provided in the beginning of article

Useful tips

Council 1: For a diet it is recommended to take dark grapes with stones as in it there are more polyphenols which are activating metabolism and having antioxidant effect.

Council 2: The papaya which enters a diet can be replaced with ease a melon – they have a similar not only chemical composition, but also taste.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.