B2 vitamin

B2 vitamin (Riboflavinum) is considered vitamin of beauty and health. It exerts huge impact on a condition of integuments of the person. In addition the lack of B2 vitamin leads to life expectancy reduction.

Витамин B2 - рибофлавин

We will badly dissolve Riboflavinum in water and alcohol, collapses under the influence of light.

Riboflavinum is synthesized in a human body by microflora of a large intestine. In addition arrives from the outside with food.

Biological properties of B2 vitamin

Riboflavinum takes part in carbohydrate, proteinaceous, fatty and power exchanges. In the presence of magnesium connects to proteins, forming the enzymes regulating cellular respiration. It is necessary for maturing in marrow of erythrocytes. B2 vitamin takes part in process of dark adaptation, prevents development of a cataract, reduces feeling of fatigue of eyes. Makes favorable impact on a condition of mucous membranes of digestive tract. Riboflavinum significantly reduces a negative impact of toxic substances by a condition of respiratory tracts.

B2 vitamin participates in transformation of tryptophane into Niacinum, and also promotes transition to an active form of B6 vitamin.

Daily requirement

The adult in days needs 1,5 mg of B2 vitamin. The need for Riboflavinum increases at reception of oral contraceptives and high exercise stresses. At persons who abuse alcoholic beverages the mechanism of digestion of Riboflavinum is broken that results in higher need for this vitamin.

Lack of B2 vitamin

If in a diet of the person the content of Riboflavinum is reduced or completely is absent, then symptoms of a hypovitaminosis of B2 (hyporiboflavinosis) appear:

  • Loss of appetite;
  • The expressed general weakness;
  • Burning sensation and prickings of skin;
  • Headache;
  • Disturbances of twilight sight;
  • Gripes in eyes;
  • Glossitis;
  • Angular stomatitis;
  • Seborrheal dermatitis;
  • Hair loss;
  • Various digestive disturbances;
  • Sleeplessness;
  • Decrease in concentration of attention;
  • Growth inhibition at children;
  • Blepharitis;
  • Conjunctivitis.

The lack of B2 vitamin can lead to weakening of functions of a thyroid gland and break iron utilization process.

Content of B2 vitamin in food stuffs

Riboflavinum contains in vegetable and animal products:

  • Bread;
  • Covers and germs of grain crops;
  • Grain (oat, buckwheat);
  • Sheet green vegetables;
  • Yeast;
  • Ovalbumin;
  • Cottage cheese;
  • Yogurt;
  • Milk;
  • Cheese;
  • Fish;
  • Meat and offal.

Content of B2 vitamin in animal products the greatest. Therefore the main sources of Riboflavinum for the person are meat and dairy products.

Витамин B2 в продуктах питания

Additional reception of Riboflavinum

The main indication for purpose of B2 vitamin in tablets or injections are hypo - and ariboflavinozny states. In addition B2 vitamin in tablets is appointed in the following cases:

  • It is long not healing wounds or ulcers;
  • Chronic coloenteritis;
  • Chronic hepatitis;
  • Dysfunctions of intestines;
  • Radial illness;
  • General disturbances of food;
  • Adynamy;
  • Rheumatism;
  • Addison's disease;
  • Circulatory unefficiency;
  • Thyrotoxicosis.

Reception of B2 vitamin in tablets is shown as well to persons whose work is connected with salts of heavy metals and other industrial poisons and toxins.

At various diseases of an organ of sight (a cataract, a helcoma, a keratitis, an iritis, conjunctivitis) B2 vitamin can be appointed not only in the form of tablets, but also in the form of eye drops.

At the expressed deficit of B2 vitamin or at impossibility to take a pill Riboflavinum can be appointed also in the form of injections.

Whether you know that:

Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.