Vitamin N – lipoic acid – is not so popular as it some of his famous fellows, but at the same time is also important and necessary for a human body.
Vitamin N (lipoic acid) concerns to fat-soluble group of substances. In the standard sense of the word vitamin N is not full-fledged vitamin, and represents vitaminopodobny connection. Thus, it can partially be synthesized in an organism (in intestines), to enter into structure of some fabrics and has valuable therapeutic properties at a number of diseases. In spite of the fact that lack of vitamin N in a human body is not so critical as lack of this or that true vitamin, it seriously affects the state of health enough.
In the middle of the 20th century vitamin N was emitted from beef liver, and then artificially synthesized by the American microbiologists. Till today it is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Except that, lipoic or thioctic acid independently struggles with the numerous free radicals attacking cells of a human body, oxidizing and destroying them, it performs even more important function, strengthening effect of other antioxidants, increasing protective functions and working capacity in general.
Vitamin N exerts positive impact on work of a thyroid gland and organs of sight, is necessary for complex protection of a human body against action of ultraviolet radiation. Besides vitamin N performs still a number of the major functions:
The products containing vitamin N are widespread and available. The sufficient dose of lipoic acid is available in any dairy products, fowl, beef, a liver, heart and kidneys, cabbage, spinach, mushrooms, yeast, brown rice and all types of greens.
The lack of vitamin N leads to excess accumulation in an organism of aggressive acids, in particular pyroracemic that is in turn fraught with various disorders of nervous activity:
The daily need of a human body for vitamin N makes normal 0,5 mg. At the same time there is a number of states when this dose has to be increased up to 3 mg:
The standard daily rate of vitamin N at children's age makes 13-25 mg, and at pregnant women and the feeding women increases up to 75 mg. At the use of high doses of lipoic acid toxic action is not noted. This property of vitamin N found broad application in treatment of a diabetes mellitus. Also drugs are popular with athletes when it is necessary to provide growth of muscle bulk.
Drug for cough Terpinkod is one of leaders of sales, not because of the medicinal properties at all.
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