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Vitamin and proteinaceous diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:10 days

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One of the effective diets which are based on proteinaceous and carbohydrate alternation and fractional food. Due to high content of vitamins allows to avoid fragility of hair, nails, decrease in immunity.

Recommended частота:раз in 2-3 months
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The vitamin and proteinaceous diet is based on increase in a diet of quantity of the products containing cellulose and protein at reduction of a share of food, carbohydrate-rich (especially bystry) and fats. The main principle – alternation of the saturated with vitamins and proteinaceous food.

There are two options of a vitamin and proteinaceous diet:

  1. on hours. Consists in receptions of vegetables and proteinaceous food in turn during the day, the interval between receptions makes 2,5 hours;
  2. on days – proteinaceous and vegetable days alternate.

Rules of the Vitamin and proteinaceous diet:

  • to observe the caloric content of a daily diet of 1200 - 1500 kcal;
  • not less than 5 meals a day in the small portions;
  • dishes prepare in the dietary ways: boiling, roasting, on couple, on a grill;
  • in day to drink not less than 1,5 l of water.

It is important to leave a diet correctly: to adhere to the sparing diet, to reduce amount of carbohydrate and greasy food. Otherwise weight will be returned very quickly.

Витаминно-белковая диета – эффективная диета, базирующаяся на белково-углеводном чередовании и дробном питании

Diet advantages

The vitamin and proteinaceous diet is expected 10 days, for this period it is possible to reduce weight by 4-7 kg.

The fractional diet allows to support feeling of satiety even at considerable decrease in caloric content of a diet. Such mode is optimum for digestion, but also, it disaccustoms to a habit to overeat.

The diet is better transferred, works more effectively and its result remains longer if it is followed by daily physical exercises. But the exercise stress should not be wearisome.

The choice of products at this diet is big, a large number of vegetables and fruit enriches a diet with vitamins, micro and macrocells that positively affects on health.

Shortcomings and contraindications 

The considerable share of protein in a diet can cause a meteorism and a lock. To avoid it, it is necessary to use enough vegetables and fruit, it is desirable thermally not processed – in the natural form or in the form of salads.

The vitamin and proteinaceous diet is contraindicated in the presence of diseases of bodies of digestive tract and kidneys.

What products are resolved?

Vitamin products:

  • Vegetables (except potatoes and bean);
  • Fruit (except bananas, grapes, a persimmon, dates, a fig);
  • Berries;
  • Vegetable oil in a small amount for seasoning of salads (a number of vitamins is not acquired without fat).

Enter the list of admissible proteinaceous food:

  • Meat: beef, veal, rabbit, fast pork and mutton, chicken and indyushiny fillet;
  • Seafood: shrimps, crabs, squids, mussels;
  • Fish;
  • Dairy products of low fat content: cottage cheese, cheese firm and soft, yogurt, kefir;
  • Chicken and quail eggs.

Salt is allowed in the minimum quantity.

From drinks it is possible to use green and herbal teas, dogrose broth, usual drinking or mineral water (without gas).

What products are prohibited?

Fat and uglevodosoderzhashchy products, including sugar, sauces, smoked products, marinades are completely excluded from a diet. Under a ban alcohol.


The approximate menu of the Vitamin and proteinaceous diet on hours:


Option 1: 200 g of cottage cheese.

Option 2: 2 hard boiled eggs.

Option 3: 150 g of cheese or sheep cheese.


Option 1: 2 tomatoes.

Option 2: grapefruit.

Option 3: boiled beet.


Option 1: 200 g of chicken fillet.

Option 2: 200 g of beef boiled or on couple.

Option 3: 150 g of stewed calf's liver.

Afternoon snack

Option 1: orange.

Option 2: 2 apples.

Option 3: the white cabbage salad filled with olive oil and lemon juice.


Option 1: 100 g of a turkey.

Option 2: 150 g of boiled squids.

Option 3: 200 g of fish on couple.


Option 1: grapefruit.

Option 2: pear.

Option 3: the cucumber and garden radish salad filled with sunflower oil.

The approximate menu of the Vitamin and proteinaceous diet on days:

Vitamin day:


Orange, kiwi, apple.


Pear or melon.


The paprika salad, a tomato, a cucumber, greens and lettuce leaves filled with olive oil and lemon juice.

Afternoon snack

1 handful of any berries.


Mix from a vegetable marrow, an eggplant and a cauliflower on couple.

Proteinaceous day:


Slice of cheese and omelet from 3 ovalbumins on couple.


100 g of chicken fillet and yogurt.


Portion of chicken broth and 150 g of the baked fish.

Afternoon snack

Slice of cheese or 100 g of cottage cheese.


200 g of any seafood.

Useful tips

Council 1. If the diet is followed by breakdown, it is possible to drink 1-2 cups of natural black coffee a day.

Council 2. If there were locks, it is necessary to add fresh vegetables to proteinaceous dishes, sheet greens and salads from it are especially good.

Council 3. The diet is better transferred, works more effectively and its result remains longer if it is followed by daily physical exercises. But the exercise stress should not be wearisome.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.