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Intraocular pressure

Внутриглазное давление у ребенкаIntraocular pressure is formed because of located in the capsule of eye liquid and a vitreous. They press on the capsule from within and create the general tone of an eye or, otherwise, intraocular pressure of the person. Thanks to intraocular pressure food of an eye is provided and its spherical shape is kept.

Lowered or raised intraocular pressure – serious ophthalmologic pathologies. They lead to deterioration in visual function. Without the corresponding treatment of intraocular pressure irreversible changes in eye tissues are possible.

To the increased intraocular pressure the strengthened products of intraocular liquid, anatomic inborn features of a structure of an eye or disturbance bring in work of cardiovascular system of the person.

The lowered intraocular pressure meets much less often. Underdevelopment of an eyeglobe, an injury or postoperative complications can cause it. With the lowered intraocular pressure food of an eye is broken and there can occur death of eye fabrics.

1 time in 3 years to people is recommended to take preventive measurements of intraocular pressure 40 years are more senior. Modern diagnosis of pathology is capable to prevent development of complications of the lowered and increased intraocular pressure – glaucoma, an atrophy of an optic nerve, etc.

Measurement of intraocular pressure

The procedure of measurement of intraocular pressure is called a tonometriya. It is carried out by means of Maklakov's tonometer, a pneumotonometer or an elektrotonografiya.

The most widespread method of measurement of intraocular pressure is Maklakov's tonometer. During the procedure on the center of a cornea of eyes of the patient the special painted small weights are established. Their typographical errors later it is measured and deciphered. Thanks to local anesthesia the tonometriya is painless, but brings a lot of discomfort.

The norm of intraocular pressure depends on type of the used measuring device. At measurement by means of Maklakov's tonometer the norm of intraocular pressure makes up to 24 mm. hg. Indicators of norm of the intraocular pressure measured by means of a pneumotonometer allow only indicators of 15 - 16 mm hg.

By means of a modern method of an elektrotonografiya exceeding of norm of intraocular pressure is diagnosed on the basis of the established strengthened production of intraocular liquid, and also its accelerated outflow.

Symptoms of the increased intraocular pressure

With the increased intraocular pressure symptoms can be absent at all. Sometimes the increased intraocular pressure is followed by temple or eyes pain. In more exceptional cases carry an illegibility of sight and reddening of eyes to symptoms of intraocular pressure. Insignificant exceeding of norm of intraocular pressure can be also shown by the increased visual fatigue.

The bad attack of glaucoma with sharp exceeding of norm of intraocular pressure is demonstrated by a megalgia, nausea, vomiting, puffiness a century and opacification of a cornea.

Treatment of intraocular pressure

Капли ля снижения внутриглазного давленияIn conservative treatment of intraocular pressure the drops improving food of an eye and drainage function of body are applied. The dosage of drug and duration of a course of treatment of intraocular pressure are appointed individually.

Vitamins for eyes at age changes of sight
Vision disorders often are explained by shortage of such substances as Luteinum and zeaxanthin. Besides, with age this deficit is felt more sharply. These substances are not produced in intestines therefore their contents needs to be filled regularly. At complaints to the progressing decrease in sight and disturbance of intraocular pressure, people after 45 years need to keep to a diet. Except zeaxanthin and Luteinum, the diet has to include vitamin C, tocopherol, selenium and zinc which feed, recover and protect tissues of eyes. In addition to observance of a diet, for the prevention of development of age changes of a retina, it is necessary to accept multivitamins. For example, the vitamin and mineral complex "Okuvayt Lyutein Forte" with Luteinum and zeaxanthin which protect eyes from a negative impact of a sunlight, C, E vitamins, zinc and selenium. It is proved that such structure prevents development of age changes of a retina of an eye, allows to enjoy acute eyesight even to elderly people.

At insufficient efficiency of conservative treatment of intraocular pressure carrying out a laser iridotomy or laser trabekulospazis is recommended to the patient.

During a laser iridiktomiya on an iris of an eye one or several openings form. This method of treatment of intraocular pressure allows to improve circulation and outflow of liquid from an eye, and finally normalizes the increased intraocular pressure.

Laser трабекулоспазис it is carried out for the best drainage of an eye at the expense of stretching of a venous sine of a sclera. During this technique of laser treatment of intraocular pressure the basis of a ciliary body of an eye is cauterized.

The most radical method of treatment of intraocular pressure – microsurgical technologies: a goniotomy in a combination or without goniopuncture, and also a trabekulotomiya. At a goniotomy the angle of iris of an anterior chamber of an eye is cut. Trabekulotomiya, in turn, represents a section of a trabkulyarny grid of an eye – the fabric connecting a ciliary edge of an iris to the back plane of a cornea.

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