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Harm of diets

Быстро похудеть без вреда для здоровьяBy results of survey conducted by scientists from Great Britain, every third woman of our planet more than once kept to any diet, and every fourth woman adhered to a certain diet more than two times. The huge number of books is devoted to diets, and the quantity of diets reaches twenty eight thousand. The modern dietotherapy originates from the remote past. Ancient nutritionists made recommendations for prevention and treatment of various diseases. They considered that harm and advantage of diets depend on specific features of the person. The human body needs all foodstuff, however their quantity and ratio has to change depending on the constitution, age, climate and habits. Diets medical do not do to a human body harm. Medical diets were applied practically by all great Aesculapians (Avicenna, Paracelsus, Hippocrates).

Harm and advantage of diets

Correctly picked up diet gives the chance to lose weight, to improve health and to clear an organism of toxins and slags. However at the choice of a diet most of people do not consider metabolic, genetic features, a diet in a family. Before a diet it is necessary to check a condition of all bodies and systems of an organism. Otherwise harm of a diet can be a disaster.

When the person keeps to any diet, in an organism a peculiar system of protection is started. Defense reaction of an organism on a food stress is shown in power consumption reduction. And this reduction for 40-45% happens due to respiratory function, cordial activity and metabolism. Harm of diets consists that when the person is returned to a diet, usual for it, the organism begins to accumulate calories with the doubled force. Nutritionists call the similar phenomenon "effect of the yo-yo". And the greatest harm from the diets based on the use of one specific product. By means of this type of diets it is possible to get rid of extra kilos for a short span. However after such diet most often there is a sharp increase in body weight. And again gathered fat, first of all, is laid near internals, in an abdominal cavity, but not between skin and muscles on hips and sides. Fat from storage sites is capable to filter into a blood stream and a liver and to promote increase in blood of concentration of lipoproteids of low density.

Important harm of a diet can be done also to a nervous system. Incorrectly picked up diets can lead to ability loss to think clearly. The unusual diet can become the reason of development of psychological frustration.

The English psychologists tested 60 healthy women on storing, speed of response and attention. The first type of the test was carried out after a plentiful feast, and the second – after a rigid diet. Results of testing after a feast were 20-30% better than test results, carried out after a rigid diet. Psychologists drew a conclusion that the greatest harm from a diet consists that the human body perceives it as a stress. And to different types of a stress the organism has ability to adapt and resist them more and stronger. Therefore constantly it is impossible to adjust weight by means of short-term and rigid diets.

Diet without harm for health

Many are concerned by a question how quickly to lose weight without harm for health. The diet without harm for health has to be based on the principles of healthy food. In a food allowance there have to be enough lipids, proteins and carbohydrates. Nuts, fruits, meat, fish, vegetables, grain and products of milk fermentation have to make about two thirds of a diet.

For weight loss without harm for health by drawing up a diet it is necessary to consider an occupation of each certain person. At intensive physical activity in a diet vitamins and carbohydrates have to prevail, at intellectual – proteins. That harm from a diet was minimum, in a diet there should not be a sweet, greasy and fried food.

Вред и польза диет зависят только от правильно выбранного рационаFor weight loss without harm for health it is necessary to reduce nutritiousness of a diet by ten-fifteen percent at a variety of food and a sufficient exercise stress.

Rather thought over and humane diet the diet on blood groups is considered. In it there are enough nutrients. At a diet without harm for health it is possible to use a vegetarian diet with the use of eggs, dairy products and seafood. It is possible to adhere to separate food also.

The use of crude fruit and vegetables leads to abdominal distention. If the diet consists of proteins, then kidneys suffer. If to use only mushrooms and nuts, then work of a liver is broken. The use of juice of grapefruit or orange on a hungry stomach leads to bile emission. At deterioration in health during a diet it is necessary to return to a diet, usual for an organism.

Whether you know that:

Many drugs initially moved ahead in the market as drugs. Heroin, for example, was initially brought to the market as children's cough medicine. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as anesthesia and as the means increasing endurance.