Zherekh – a predatory food fish from family cyprinid. Fish is also known under the name a sheresper, krasnoguby жерех, Aral жерех. This predator lives only in the rivers of the large and average sizes entering basins of the Azov, Black, Caspian and Baltic seas.
Average length of a zherekh makes about fifty centimeters, and average weight - about three kilograms. Though copies and on 12-15 kg sometimes meet. Distinguish a set of types of a zherekh – platycephalic, West Asian, Ural and others. жерех differs from other fishes in the extended body having the spindle-shaped form and also quite large mouth, with the mandible which is a little acting up.
Silvery coloring with a white belly and a livid back is inherent to this predator. Tail and back fins - gray with a black border, and side and lower fins have an almost inaudible reddish shade.
By the nature жерех it is considered settled fish, he does not make big migrations. However within a year of a habital of fish change. During the winter period it does not eat and lives in deep holes, in spring time, after spawning, about a month has a rest at an average depth with a moderate current. In the summer he prefers to live in superficial thresholds and rifts.
Zherekh is extremely careful and sensitive. Among all predators there is this fish the most careful and timid, however, at the same time rather active and aggressive. He hunts only in the afternoon, and eats several times a day. Large жерех most often leads a single life. In the summer this predator can gather in big packs and attack whitebaits of a bream and a vobla. It unexpectedly rushes from shelters and deafens the victim by blows of very powerful tail. Fish also eats various insects, crayfish and frogs.
Puberty at it comes approximately by four-five years.
Fish is highly appreciated enough because of rapid growth and excellent tastes of her meat.
Chemical composition of pulp of this fish generally depends on the environment of its dwelling. Hundred grams of pulp contain 19 g of proteins, 2,60 fats, 100 mg of sodium, 265 mg of potassium, 30 mg of calcium, 35 mg of magnesium, 220 mg of phosphorus, 0,60 mg of iron.
100 g of a product contain 0,02 mg of vitamin A, 0,02 mg of B1 vitamin, 0,06 mg of B2 vitamin, 1 mg of RR vitamin, 1 mg of ascorbic acid.
Caloric content of a zherekh is rather small – about 99 kcal on 100 g of pulp.
Rather small caloric content of a zherekh and a large amount of vitamins allow to include meat of this fish in structure of the dietary menu.
Pulp of this fish very useful and surprisingly tasty. It contains a significant amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C). And vitamin C, as we know, is considered one of the most powerful natural antioxidants. Besides, he exerts impact on coagulability of blood and permeability of capillaries, participates in synthesis of hormones, and also possesses antibacterial and antiinflammatory action. Ascorbic acid reduces allergic reactions and increases the general body resistance. Thanks to this vitamin toxic components are removed from a human body more effectively and quicker, and useful substances are better acquired.
Vitamin A regulates metabolism, improves sight and a condition of integuments.
Niacin (RR vitamin) participates in oxidation-reduction processes, improves blood circulation in small vessels, brings harmful toxins out of an organism, and also takes part in synthesis of hormones.
B1 vitamin (thiamin) accelerates healing of wounds, cuts, burns. It is irreplaceable at severe emotional stresses, short wind, tachycardia, atonic locks.
The phosphorus and calcium which are contained in pulp of a zherekh play an important role in formation of a skeleton. Sodium prevents nervous stresses, normalizes muscle performance. Potassium is necessary for normal functioning of cardiovascular system.
Culinary specialists this fish fry, extinguish, bake, salt, smoke, and also cook fish forcemeat from pulp. The fish soup from a zherekh made over a fire in a kettle is especially tasty.
Excessive kostlyavost – the only lack of meat of this predator. It is possible to get rid of acute and small stones by smoking or jerking of fish. Zherekh in a salty look has fine tastes, and under the influence of salt of a stone become soft and is practically not felt during food. The balyk prepared from a zherekh on tastes differs in nothing from a balyk from a salmon.
Also caviar of a zherekh has trade and nutrition value. It has excellent gentle taste, beautiful amber color, and contains a set of components, valuable to a human body. Caviar of fish can be used in a freshly cooked look.
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