Application instruction:
The centaury is biannual, is more rare - a one-year medicinal plant, concerns to family a gentian family. The centaury reaches up to 40 cm in height. Plant stalks bifurcate and branchy, flowers bright rose-red color, collected in a whisk. Time of blossoming lasts since the beginning of summer till September. The centaury grows on glades in the woods, in thickets of trees and bushes, on wet meadows. It grows practically worldwide and contains about 50 types, eight of which are extended to territories of Russia and the countries of the former Soviet Union.
The medicinal plant a centaury was mentioned even in Hippocrates's works, about it numerous legends and myths were put. The past appeared scientific names of a centaury:
Besides, there is still a set of national names of this plant:
Useful properties of a centaury are used for treatment of the person long ago. Use of a centaury in medicine is caused by rich chemical composition. So, as a part of a grass of a centaury the following active agents contain:
Medicinal properties of a centaury are widely applied not only in traditional medicine, but also in official. Many gastric collecting and collecting for improvement of appetite contain a centaury grass. In traditional medicine this medicinal plant is used in the form of tincture, broth and infusion.
The main properties of a centaury providing its medical effect is the following:
1. Laxative;
2. Antiseptic;
3. Desensibilizing;
4. Antiparasitic (antivermicular).
The desensibilizing property causes use of a centaury from alcoholism.
In traditional medicine apply an elevated part of a centaury, a grass. The centaury found broad application in treatment of diseases of digestive tract:
Besides, curative properties of a centaury promote increase in appetite and normalization of all process of digestion. Medicinal properties of a centaury, as supportive application, use at treatment of the following diseases:
Often, infusions from a grass of a centaury are applied by women to a stop of uterine bleedings. Useful properties of a centaury often use for a stop of bleedings after artificial and natural abortion. Besides, medicinal properties of a centaury help to facilitate toxicosis symptoms at pregnant women.
Doctors recommend use of a centaury in the form of infusion for rinsing at various infectious diseases, gum wounds and in an oral cavity. In the form of powder the centaury is applied at treatment of various skin diseases. Also, tincture is used at treatment of ulcers, fistulas and wounds. The centaury and its properties use even at treatment of malignancies, and tea from this plant has tonic and fortifying effect on an organism after a serious illness and operations.
The main medicinal properties of a centaury are officially recognized as medicine:
Bitterness, contained in a centaury, improve work of digestive tract, strengthen development of a gastric juice, stimulate appetite. Content of alkaloid of gentianin allow a centaury to be a good helminthicide.
In traditional medicine useful properties of a centaury apply in such cases:
Use of a centaury from alcoholism is especially effective. People began to use a centaury from alcoholism long ago when there were no other medicines yet. The centaury from alcoholism is recommended to be used in combination with other officinal herbs (a wormwood bitter, a horsetail field, a thyme, the puppeteer, an asarum and some more herbs). Each specific person needs to pick up the correct combination and a dosage of herbs as all these plants possess strong action.
The easiest way of preparation of folk remedy from a centaury grass from alcoholism is following:
2 tablespoons of a grass to fill in 1 Art. of boiled water and to boil 10 min., to insist 1 - 2 hour. Infusion needs to be filtered, and then to the patient to accept 1/3 glasses 2 - 3 times a day. The course of such treatment makes not less than 10 days. In most cases thirst for alcohol completely vanishes thanks to what the maximum effect of a centaury of alcoholism is provided.
External use of a centaury is reasonable at badly healing wounds, gout, rashes, eczema, furuncles, ulcers. Fresh juice in the form of drops is used for treatment of diseases of an ear. Use of a centaury is effective at fight against children's food allergy.
Forms of medicinal use of a centaury are diverse:
The centaury with its properties is contraindicated at the following diseases:
Also, excessive use of a centaury as it is capable to cause a digestive disturbance is not recommended. And people with an excess weight need to treat carefully this plant not to tempt strong appetite.
At treatment by a centaury from alcoholism it is necessary to be careful. It is connected with the fact that active agents of a plant have powerful properties. Therefore, in case of failure at use of a centaury from alcoholism and alcohol intake continuation, along with treatment, poisoning is possible.
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