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15 week of pregnancy

On the 15th week of pregnancy the age of a fruit makes 13 weeks from the date of fertilization of an ovum.На 15 неделе беременности у плода формируется скелет

Changes of a fruit

The fruit size on the 15th week of pregnancy in length makes about 10 cm, weight reaches it 70 g. Outward and proportions of a body change – length of hands and legs is identical now, auricles take the created form, the distance between fruit eyes decreased a little more.

On the 15th week of pregnancy the skeleton of future child actively forms, cartilaginous tissue begins to be replaced bone, its basis actively accumulates salts of calcium and phosphorus.

Ultrasonography on the 15th week of pregnancy allows to define a fruit sex as his external genitals are well distinguishable.

Skin of future kid on the 15th week of pregnancy any more not such translucent, it gains reddish color because of the vessels translucent through it. Intensively sebaceous glands of skin function, they form a vernix caseosa which protects skin right after the birth of the kid.

The volume of amniotic waters in a stomach increases, on the 15th week of pregnancy their quantity approaches 100 ml. Amniotic waters are sterile, their structure is updated about 10 times a day. They maintain constancy of internal environment of a fruit, about 37 degrees provide it optimum temperature condition.

On the 15th week of pregnancy at a fruit instinctive reflexes thanks to which the embryonal pose remains begin to form. In such pose the fruit occupies the minimum volume in a cavity of the uterus, it is curtailed by a kalachik, the chin is inclined to a breast, handles and legs are bent and brought closer to a trunk. The embryonal pose is reasonable also because allows to inform of pregnancy term. It remains at the newborn still some time after the birth.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 15th week of pregnancy

All changes which happen to a fruit, anyway, are reflected in a condition of the pregnant woman.

The stomach on the 15th week of pregnancy is swept already well up, uterine fundus height over a bosom makes 13 – 15 cm.

Due to the intensive formation of bone system at a fruit the need for calcium and phosphorus sharply increases. It takes these substances from mother's organism therefore the lack of calcium can find for the first time itself on the 15th week of pregnancy by deterioration in health of teeth and spasms in gastrocnemius muscles, especially at night.

During this period the hormonal background is more or less stabilized, but can let know about itself suffocation symptoms at night, rhinitis at pregnant women or even nasal bleedings. Developing of rhinitis is explained by the fact that the volume of the blood circulating in vessels increases, and through mucous a nose more blood also begins to pass that causes its reactive hypostasis. You should not be afraid of the listed symptoms, on the 15th week of pregnancy they are regarded as norm option.

At the woman hair cease to be updated and drop out, because of it their look can even improve on the 15th week of pregnancy. Such growth phase of hair is also connected with hormonal reorganizations, namely, with progesterone influence. After the delivery old hair usually begin to drop out and to be updated intensively.Живот на 15 неделе беременности заметен уже хорошо

On skin (especially in a face, a breast and a stomach) a nevus pigmentosus can appear. In the same time can become more expressed freckles, nipples and an areola.

Allocation on the 15th week of pregnancy from nipples of a small amount of colostrum is a training to breastfeeding after the delivery and a sign that mother will have enough milk.

It should not is normal pains on 15th week of pregnancy to be. The woman can sometimes feel slight discomfort because of stretching of uterine sheaves. It is possible to win against these unpleasant feelings, using a dorodovy bandage which redistributes weight of the growing tummy. Also it is recommended to limit an exercise stress.

Inspection on the 15th week of pregnancy

Ultrasonography on the 15th week of pregnancy in a planned order is not shown. By means of this method of inspection it is possible to define a fruit sex easily now.

15 weeks are considered as the best time for amniocentesis – receiving amniotic waters on a research. The analysis can supply with the information on the content of bilirubin and proteins, hormones, on group accessory of a fruit. Women with repeated previous abortions, genetic diseases, and sometimes with a negative blood group on system a Rhesus factor need a similar research. On duration of gestation of 15 weeks performing amniocentesis is safe as the uterus is inert.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.