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30 week of pregnancy

On the 30th week of pregnancy to a fruit 28 weeks from the moment of its emergence when the spermatozoon impregnated an ovum in a uterine tube are executed. It is the middle of the eighth month of pregnancy according to a lunar calendar. From now on the woman under the law has the right for a maternity leave.Вес малыша на 30 неделе беременности - около 1,5 кг

Changes in a fruit organism

On ultrasonography on the 30th week of pregnancy it is possible to establish that in length future child already grew by 40 cm, and weight reaches it 1350-1500 there is snowballing of bone and muscular systems, in a hypodermic fatty tissue a small amount of fatty tissue was already postponed.

Pulmonary fabric of a fruit on the 30th week of pregnancy continues to be improved – in it new alveoluses are formed and surfactant collects.

In high gear on the 30th week of pregnancy there is a development of a nervous system, on the surface of a brain many new furrows and crinkles appeared. Nerve fibrils become covered by a protective myelin cover thanks to what nervous impulses can be carried out with greater speed.

Skin looks a little wrinkled, and the lanugo (vellus hair) begins to disappear gradually from its surface.

In a fruit liver on the 30th week of pregnancy there are already a lot of reserves of the iron necessary for formation of erythrocytes of blood.

In case of first labor future kid holds the constant position in a uterus – most often headfirst. Multipara women have a tone of a uterus and muscles of a front abdominal wall is slightly lower, and the fruit still can change the situation in it. There is no former freedom of movement in a cavity of the uterus on the 30th week of pregnancy any more, future child is in an embryonal pose as it occupies the minimum volume in a cavity of the uterus.

Changes in the woman's organism on the 30th week of pregnancy

Stomach height on the 30th week of pregnancy over the level of a pubis makes about 30 cm, the uterine fundus is defined on 10 cm above a navel. The waist is maleficiated, and the bearing and gait changed because of the shift of the center of gravity so that even received the name of "a pride bearing of pregnant women".

On the 30th week of pregnancy it becomes quite heavy to transfer various loadings, not to mention long forced situation, expediency of a maternity leave from this term at anybody does not raise questions. The general increase of weight by 30 weeks makes about about 10 - 11 kg.

At this time many quite unpleasant symptoms can disturb the woman. The growing stomach on the 30th week of pregnancy stretches skin, causing an itch, and sometimes and formation of extensions. For their prevention some specialists recommend to use special creams.

Pains on the 30th week of pregnancy in a stomach – the frequent phenomenon. Periodically the uterus comes to a tone, training for childbirth or after an excess exercise stress, and it can cause painful feelings. This state is not dangerous. And here if pains on the 30th week of pregnancy are followed by feeling as if the stomach below becomes stone, then it is not necessary to be left without medical examination as it can threaten with abortion.

The uterus squeezes the next bodies and vessels from within that can lead to locks, heartburn, the speeded-up urination on the 30th week of pregnancy.

On this term the pregnant woman constantly feels the movements of the future child, she has to control their frequency. Regular stirs of a fruit demonstrate in favor of what is with it everything is all right.Плод на 30 неделе беременности достигает 40 см в длину

Allocations on the 30th week of pregnancy from a genital tract are the indicator of its safe course. Normal they a whitish shade, with slightly sourish smell and homogeneous. Emergence on the 30th week of pregnancy of allocations of yellow, greenish or gray color, most likely, are a sign of accession of an infection, so, can threaten a fruit and the further course of pregnancy.

If from a vagina bloody allocations on the 30th week of pregnancy appeared, it is necessary to call the ambulance immediately. It can become the beginning of premature births on the 30th week of pregnancy.

Inspection on the 30th week of pregnancy

The third ultrasonography on the 30th week of pregnancy is appointed in a planned order. It is the next control of the state of health and the sizes of a fruit. By means of ultrasound it is possible to know a sex of the baby if in the previous time it did not show the external genitals.

From the term of 30 weeks of pregnancy it is required to repeat blood test on HIV and syphilis, a smear from a vagina on microflora. Also before the next visit of the gynecologist it is recommended to hand over urine on the general analysis. It will exclude emergence of signs of a gestosis (protein, cylinders, sugar) or infections. Hypostases, an excess increase of weight, increase in arterial pressure and sometimes a vision disorder become other signs of a gestosis usually.

On reception at the doctor the woman has to tell about the problems disturbing her in time to take measures for elimination of undesirable effects for her and her kid.

Whether you know that:

Most of women is capable to derive more pleasure from contemplation of the beautiful body in a mirror, than from sex. So, women, you aim at symmetry.