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41 weeks of pregnancy

On 41 weeks pregnancy is not considered postmature yet, it can be simply prolonged. Вес малыша на 41 неделе беременности - более 3,5 кгApproach of childbirth depends on a number of factors - from age of mother and her hormonal status, from features of her menstrual cycle and time of an ovulation, from the state of health of the pregnant woman and heredity. Most likely, if there is no childbirth on 41 weeks of pregnancy, then its term was incorrectly determined, that is fertilization happened after estimated date of conception. Usually it is considered that pregnancy lasts 40 weeks, but deviations for 2 weeks in the big or smaller party are norm option.

Changes in a fruit organism

The child completely ripened to live out of a maternal stomach. To it it is already quite close in a cavity of the uterus, but it continues to grow, though slightly more slowly, than before. Fruit length from the top to heels on 41 weeks of pregnancy can reach 54 cm and more, the weight of 3500 g and more.

The fruit lives in own rhythm, on 41 weeks of pregnancy he sleeps quite a lot, during wakefulness actively moves. At the movement of the child in a uterus delivery to it of oxygen and nutrients is activated. The woman on 41 weeks of pregnancy shall control activity of stirs of the baby in a stomach, and now treat it with great attention.

Skin of the kid if he is born on 41 weeks of pregnancy and later, can look dryish and a little pale after the birth, on it cracks and various peelings easily appear.

The fruit brain is developed now rather well therefore it more than ever became sensitive to a lack of oxygen. The placenta grows old, and because of it copes with the tasks worse.

On 41 weeks of pregnancy adjournment of salts of calcium in a bone continues, they become more dense and less flexible that can complicate passing of a head on patrimonial ways.

One of dangers of a perenashivaniye of pregnancy is that against the background of aging of a placenta intake of oxygen to a fruit decreases, and he can test a hypoxia. Against the background of a hypoxia the muscle squeezing a rectum relaxes, and meconium comes out in amniotic waters. Also the hypoxia causes premature breaths till the child's birth with opening of a glottis and hit of meconium in fruit respiratory tracts. Most often aspiration of meconium meets at postmature pregnancy.41 неделя беременности - роды совсем близко!

Changes in the woman's organism on 41 weeks of pregnancy

On 41 weeks of pregnancy childbirth already absolutely close. To this term the woman, most likely, already tested training pains, and the feeling which happens when the stomach on 41 weeks of pregnancy hurts is familiar to her. Says the fact that pains became frequent about the beginning of childbirth, and the regularity was outlined in their emergence.

Most likely, the stomach already fell, it can be determined by height of standing of an uterine fundus and new feelings of the pregnant woman. After the head of a fruit fell to a small pelvis, it becomes easier to breathe, the eructation and heartburn vanish.

Sometimes before childbirth the sacrum or a tailbone begin to hurt, there are pulling feelings in a groin.

Watery allocations on 41 weeks of pregnancy are similar to amniotic waters. The bursting of waters can occur as it is prompt, and gradually when waters are emitted in the small portions. Dribble of waters is observed when integrity of a bag of waters was broken rather highly, sideways.

Plentiful mucous allocations on 41 weeks of pregnancy happen when the neck of uterus is exempted from a mucous stopper. Slime of a stopper reminds ovalbumin on a consistence and is sometimes painted in pink or cream color. Plentiful bloody allocations from a vagina against the background of the fact that the stomach on 41 weeks of pregnancy hurts sometimes accompany placental detachment that can threaten fruit life.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.