To lose weight on vegetables and fruit, especially during a summer season, according to nutritionists is a fine way to bring the body into a good form. a href="/javascript:if(confirm( \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))" tppabs="" rel="lytebox"> Thanks to the low caloric content of fruit and vegetables and high content in them of the cellulose which is not split in a stomach, but creating feeling of satiety and for a long time saving from feeling of hunger, the fruit and vegetable diet is transferred rather easily. Cellulose clears digestive tract, improving a peristaltics; thanks to the adsorbing qualities it absorbs slags and toxins, bringing them out of an organism. And the maintenance of a large amount of useful nutrients allows to lose weight on vegetables and fruit, providing an organism with enough vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, phytalbumin, the structured water.
Fruit and vegetables for weight loss use in fasting days, diets for 7-10 days, and in special cases and in diets duration about one month.
The one-day diet is very popular, especially and is rather easily transferred to a summer season. The menu in such days consists only of fruit and vegetables. Vegetables can be used in the raw, without processing, but it is possible and to prepare. Rules of culinary processing are simple – it is not necessary to use oil, salt and spices. Boiling, roasting, preparation of vegetables on couple and on a grill is allowed. Fruit in a diet of a diet can be used fresh or dried.
It is not recommended to include in the menu for weight loss potatoes, bananas, grapes, raisin, prunes because of high content of calories in them.
The basis of the unloading day menu is made by vegetables and fruit of small caloric content, is admissible to eat a little dried apricots, prunes or raisin (30-50 g) if there is a strong wish for some sweet. It is recommended to drink cleared, the dining room or still mineral water, green tea without sugar, the freshly squeezed juice diluted with water 1:3.
That fasting day passed more effectively, the night before it is possible to accept a soft purgative, having prepared, thus, intestines. Arranging such days weekly, in a month it is possible to lose weight on vegetables and fruit by 3-5 kg. To use a one-day fruit and vegetable diet long time weekly is allowed.
Long diets have to be well balanced on the main nutritious components for full supply of an organism with all necessary. As fruit and vegetables do not contain the animal protein which is a source of irreplaceable amino acids it is not recommended to maintain a rigid fruit and vegetable diet longer than one week.
At long use of low caloric content of fruit and vegetables for weight loss nutritionists advise the balanced diet of food. For this purpose surely include in the menu fish, low-fat grades of meat, soy Tofu cheese, chicken fillet, eggs, allow a small amount of otrubny bread. The basic principle of such diets – a combination of vegetables and fruit to a small amount of animal protein. Proteinaceous products, as well as vegetables for preparation of dietary dishes, it is necessary to boil, steam, on a grill or to bake without addition of spices, oil and salt.
Making the menu of a diet, it is necessary to use a calorie chart of fruit and vegetables and to consider the following recommendations:
It is possible to lose weight on vegetables and fruit in long diets by 5-10 kg a month, but it is necessary to consult surely with the doctor, especially in case of the postponed digestive tract diseases. As cellulose – the main component of vegetables and fruit – food rather rough and in significant amounts can provoke an aggravation.
For effective weight loss it is necessary to choose the most useful and low-calorie fruit, vegetables and berries.
Caloric content (on 100 g) the fruit, most useful to weight loss, and contents in them important nutrients:
The calorie chart of fruit and vegetables includes also berries, the most useful in diets for weight loss:
The most useful in diets for weight loss vegetables:
Using a calorie chart of fruit and vegetables, it is possible to balance the day diet, having directed it to weight loss.
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