a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-1.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-1.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-1.jpg" rel="lytebox">It is difficult to present mankind without the interpersonal relations. Most of people carry out the most part of the adult life in communication: from the moment of awakening and before withdrawal to a dream we are in society of the family, friends, colleagues, acquaintances and strangers. Individuals enter these or those forms of relationship "face to face", via phone, the Internet, various forms of paper documents. Exclude all this from our life, and then it will be hardly possible to call it human in the true sense of the word. How there is a formation of the interpersonal relations and what is understood as this term? Let's try to find answers to these questions.
Psychologists mean set of interactions which arise between certain people by the term "interpersonal relations", often are followed by emotional experiences and in some way report a condition of interior.
The interpersonal relations are based on different types of communication which include nonverbal bonds, a certain outward, gestures and gestures, oral speech, etc. They combine cognitive, emotional and behavioural components.
The cognitive component means such features of the interpersonal relations as various forms of knowledge – representation, imagination, perception, feeling, memory, thinking. All of them allow to distinguish his specific psychological features in the person and to reach understanding which, in turn, depends on adequacy (that, how precisely we perceive a psychological portrait of the personality with whom we enter interaction) and identifications (identifications of the personality with the identity of other individual).
The emotional component designates experiences which we experience at communication with these or those people. And they can carry both positive, and negative character, that is in the course of the interpersonal relations it is possible to take a liking or antipathy, satisfaction with the partner or results of joint activity, or absence that. We can feel empathy, or an emotional response, on experiences of other personality who is expressed in empathy, partnership and sympathy.
At last, the behavioural component characterizes a mimicry, gesticulation, a pantomimika, the speech and actions which express the attitude of an individual towards other people or group in general. Actually, the behavioural component also acts as the regulator of character of the interpersonal relations.
Development of the interpersonal relations is possible only under one condition – if the individual has abilities to come into contacts with people, to find with them a common language. It is promoted by ease and sociability, trust and understanding, an emotional attraction and acceptance, and also lack of the tough program of manipulation and self-interest.
The interpersonal relations ideally aim at trust, it includes expectation of support and confidence that the partner will not betray and does not use a situation to the detriment.
In the course of confidential interpersonal communication there is a deepening of the relations, reduction of a psychological distance. However the trust quite often develops into trustfulness that is expressed that the individual unreasonably takes the word, despite dirty tricks and disappointments.
There is a set of various criteria for evaluation of the interpersonal relations. Their contents is defined by degree of psychological proximity between partners, assessment of the relations, a position of domination, dependence or equality, and also extent of acquaintance.
From the point of view of the purpose, forms of interaction of individuals can be primary and secondary. Features of the interpersonal relations of primary type are that between people necessary connection, as a rule, in itself is established. Secondary bonds arise proceeding from what help or function is performed by one person in relation to another.
On character the interpersonal relations are subdivided on formal and informal. Formal are based on an official basis and are regulated by charters, laws and other ordered rules of interactions which have usually legal basis. Informal develop on the basis of a personal contact and are not limited to an official framework.
From the point of view of joint activity, the interpersonal relations are subdivided on business and personal. In business interrelations work, official or production duties are at the head of a corner. In a case with personal to the forefront there are relations which are not connected with joint activity, based on subjectively had feelings. Refer acquaintance, partnership, friendship and intimate relations which degree of trust is located on accruing to those.
a href="/javascript:if(confirm(%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-2.jpg \n\nThis file was not retrieved by Teleport Pro, because it is linked too far away from its Starting Address. If you increase the in-domain depth setting for the Starting Address, this file will be queued for retrieval. \n\nDo you want to open it from the server?%27))window.location=%27www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-2.jpg%27" tppabs="www.medicalmed.de/images/stories2/psihologija/mezhlichnostnye-otnoshenija-2.jpg" rel="lytebox">Also interpersonal relations can be rational and emotional. In the first case the logic, reason and calculation prevails. In the second – emotions, a love, attractiveness, perception without the objective information about an individual.
From the point of view of the status of the people entering the interpersonal relations, bonds between them can have subordinated or parity character. Subordination assumes inequality, the relation of the management and subordination. The parity, on the contrary, is based on equality of individuals, participants of the relations at the same time act as independent persons.
The interpersonal relations can bring joy of communication, do life emotionally filled and give composure. On the other hand, they can bring disappointment and plunge into a depression. That, will occur how effectively development of the interpersonal relations in a specific individual, depends on his skills of effective communication, ability to perceive people without prejudices, and also from a psychological and emotional maturity. And if it seems that to you it is far before finding of these abilities, you should not despair, having shown persistence and having set the purpose, you will be able quite to develop in yourself all necessary qualities.
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