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Aphthous stomatitis

Афтозный стоматитStomatitis – a disease of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. Till today scientists did not come to a consensus about what the origins of various forms of stomatitis are specifically connected with. According to one of widespread versions it is considered that aphthous stomatitis is a peculiar reaction of immune system to various molecules irritants which she cannot distinguish.

Besides, carry some local factors to one of origins of aphthous stomatitis:

  • diseases of teeth;
  • insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity,
  • tooth deposits,
  • existence of diseases of digestive tract (gastritis, colitis, etc.).

Aphthous stomatitis, as a rule, is followed by painful puffiness of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity which becomes covered by a plaque of yellowish or white color. The increased salivation (hypersalivation), an unpleasant smell from a mouth and, in certain cases, bleeding of gums is noted.

Aphthous stomatitis – a chronic disease of a mucous membrane of an oral cavity. It is characterized by emergence of multiple or single buses. A form афт, as a rule, round or oval with characteristic borders of a red border and a plaque of gray-yellow color in the center of an afta.

Afta – a small ulceration of a mucosal surface of a cover, most often an oral cavity. Afta can develop in the form of an independent disease (at children) or as a complication of other acute gastrointestinal or infectious disease (flu, a foot-and-mouth disease, etc.)

Characteristic symptoms of aphthous stomatitis

The aphthous stomatitis arising in an oral cavity is followed:

  • plentiful salivation;
  • puffiness and reddening of a mucous membrane, accurately revealed limited sores are visible (separate, group and united in the centers). On localization of an afta can be located in the sky, throat walls, language, gingivas, lips, on the internal surface of cheeks;
  • difficulty of chewing and the speech because of the arising pain;
  • inflammation of submaxillary lymph nodes against the background of the general fervescence
  • drowsiness, the arising irritability, appetite loss;
  • fever, vomiting after meal and locks (acute aphthous stomatitis)
  • unpleasant smell from a mouth

Etiology (reasons) of aphthous stomatitis

As it was already told above, there is no uniform concept defining the mechanisms causing aphthous stomatitis. But as a result of the systematized observations and researches, the most characteristic reasons of a course of a disease are defined. Treat them:

  • causative agents of infectious diseases – bacteria and viruses;
  • not systematic and inefficient hygiene of an oral cavity;
  • thermal (burns hot food) or mechanical (blows, scratches) injury of a mucous membrane of a mouth;
  • poor executed or incorrectly established dentures what injury of a mucous membrane in the field of a prosthesis is result of;
  • the hormonal fluctuations in an organism happening during puberty or pregnancy;
  • existence of malignant tumors in a neck or a nasopharynx;
  • reaction of an organism to the carried-out procedures of chemotherapy;
  • seasonal avitaminosis or shortage in an organism of useful microelements (iron);
  • the severe dehydration of an organism or loss of blood happening because of injuries, a diarrhea, vomitings, long high temperature of a body, insufficient water consumption or excess release of urine;
  • use of drugs which reduce salivation;
  • addictions in the form of an alcohol abuse and smoking

Taking into account that the children's organism is more susceptible to an infection, and aphthous stomatitis – an infectious disease, at children it is possible to add to the general reasons of aphthous stomatitis tendency of some kids to an allergy, disease of kidneys, blood, disbolism, bad food. An important role is played by existence in life of the child of stressful situations.

Diagnosis of aphthous stomatitis

For detection of aphthous stomatitis for the present there are no special tests. As a rule, the general state of health of the patient is studied in the beginning. The main symptom of a disease are external manifestations in the form of ulcers, and the fact that stomatitis aphthous which treatment is appointed by the doctor can proceed also in the latent form is considered.

Aphthous stomatitis at children

Aphthous stomatitis at children has the same etiology and symptomatology, as at adults. A difference only that he meets more often at children aged up to 4 years. Because of the lowered immune responsiveness at children chronic aphthous stomatitis which is characterized by periodic aggravations can take place. The most frequent reason causing recurrent aphthous stomatitis are complications after infectious diseases (tonsillitis, quinsy, pharyngitis), and also change of climate, etc.

Chronic recurrent aphthous stomatitis has two clinical forms of a disease – easy and heavy, a so-called aphthosis of Seton (deeply cicatrizing afta).

Aphthous stomatitis - treatment and prevention

Лечение афтозного стоматита

At emergence of the first symptoms of aphthous stomatitis the urgent address to the doctor is necessary. For children the local pediatrician is called, and adults need to address the stomatologist or the therapist.

Though there are national ways of treatment of aphthous stomatitis herbs, but it is more reasonable to carry them to preventive measures at chronic aphthous stomatitis. Anyway survey and recommendations of the doctor are necessary.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis means therapy by antiviral and antifungal drugs. At treatment the sparing diet and frequent rinsing of an oral cavity, both antiseptic agents, and herbs decoction – a camomile or a calendula practices.

Whether you know that:

The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.