Main > Drugs> Chokeberry


Арония черноплоднаяChokeberry, or mountain ash black-fruited – a bush from family of a rose family. In the medical and preventive purposes use the fresh, dried or frozen fruits, and also products of their processing – jam, jam, jelly, candied fruits, juice, compote or tincture.

Chemical composition

Chokeberry fruits with the knitting, sweet-sour taste in which contain are of interest to medicine: phenolic acids and flavonoids, cellulose, pectins, vitamins B, C, P, E, molybdenum, copper, manganese, iodine, boron, potassium, the tannins giving to berries tartness, a glycoside dl-mandelonitrile gentiobioside.

Useful properties

Fresh fruits of a bush use as vitamin means, their juice promotes strengthening of walls of blood vessels, reduces emotional disbalance, regulates processes of braking and excitement in a brain.

Pick berries in September-October. Fruits can be stored fresh at a temperature up to +5 °C for 2 months, it is possible to dry (at a temperature of +60 °C).

Leaves contain the substances improving work of a liver, education and outflow of bile.

It is noticed that the chokeberry possesses the expressed hypotensive action, removes spasms. Thanks to the content of iodine and fenolkarbonovy acids helps at pathologies of a thyroid gland.

The good effect is observed at a chokeberry combination to blackcurrant or a dogrose. All these fruits contain a lot of ascorbic acid and therefore are recommended at atherosclerosis, besides at such combination vitamin P is better acquired.

Also such properties of a chokeberry as increase in acidity of juice of a stomach and removal of bile are known. Thanks to contents in a plant of glycosides of anthocyans its fruits can be included in a diet of cancer patients.

Indications to use

  • Appetite loss;
  • Atherosclerosis (treatment and prevention);
  • Endocrine disturbances (diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism);
  • Problems with digestion (gastritis with low acidity (gipoatsidny), diarrhea);
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Arterial hypertension;
  • Bleedings of various etiology;
  • Radiation defeat;
  • Burns;
  • Skin pathologies (eczema, dermatitis);
  • Other states according to the recommendation of the doctor.


Because berries contain a large amount of ascorbic acid, it is necessary to use them with care to those who have stenocardia, a hypertension (for these patients ability of a chokeberry to increase coagulability of blood threatens with emergence of blood clots).

Use of a chokeberry at gastritis with high acidity, cankers of a GIT is contraindicated, to tendency to thrombophlebitises, the increased coagulability of blood.

House drugs from a chokeberry

Juice from a mountain ash black-fruited

Pure juice from a mountain ash black-fruited is prepared as follows: berries fill in with water at the rate of 100 ml of water on kilogram of fruits, heat to 60 °C and hold at this temperature to their softening. After berries cook, pass them via the meat grinder or just knead a fork (it is possible a pestle), wring out. In the medical purposes juice is accepted by 10-30 days, on 30-50 ml 3 times a day in 30 min. prior to food. Store juice at a temperature no more than +5 °C. Prepare juice of a chokeberry and for the winter, for this purpose after an extraction it is boiled by 3-4 more min. then roll up under iron covers.

Juice from a mountain ash black-fruited with pulp

It is necessary to wash and crush, warm up kilogram of berries 15 min. without water at a temperature of 75-80 °C, to wipe through a sieve. To fill in the wiped berries with sugar syrup (on 1 liter of water – 350 g of sugar), to bring to temperature of 75-80 °C. For preparation for the winter juice is filled in in heated-up banks and pasteurized: three-liter – 50 min., liter – 22 min., half-liter – 15 min.

Fruits of a mountain ash black-fruited, wiped with sugar

Fruits of a chokeberry can be eaten in the wiped look, with sugar: berries blanch five minutes, wipe by means of a sieve, mix with sugar, pound before formation of uniform weight. Also prepare mix of the chokeberry pounded with sugar, apples, a cranberry or plums.

Infusion from fruits of a mountain ash black-fruited

Diabetics are recommended to accept infusion of berries on water. Prepare a chokeberry according to the recipe: one tablespoon of dried fruits is filled in by 200 ml of boiled water, maintain half an hour, filter. Drink means 3 times a day on 2-3 tablespoons. Store in cold.

Whether you know that:

The liver is the heaviest body in our body. Its average weight makes 1,5 kg.