The atrophy of muscles is understood as the process leading to reduction of volume and regeneration of muscular tissue. If to speak simply, then muscle fibers begin to become thinner, and in some cases at all disappear that leads to serious restriction of a physical activity and long obezdvizhennost of the patient.
In medical practice distinguish several types of an atrophy, but we will talk about them slightly below for now we stop on the reasons of emergence of this pathology in more detail. The atrophy of muscles of legs and other extremities of a body arises owing to:
Primary form of a disease is expressed in direct damages of the muscle. This pathology can be caused by both bad heredity, and a number of external factors – injuries, bruises, a physical overstrain. The patient quickly gets tired, the muscles tone constantly falls, involuntary twitchings of extremities are sometimes noted that demonstrates injury of motor neurons.
The secondary atrophy of muscles – treatment is under construction on the elimination of a basic disease and other reasons which led to emergence of atrophic process. The most often secondary atrophy of muscles develops after injuries and the postponed infections. At patients motive cells of feet, shins, brushes and a forearm are surprised that leads to restriction of activity of these bodies, partial or full paralysis. In most cases the disease is characterized by slow process, but also the aggravations which are followed by severe pains are possible.
The secondary form of a disease is subdivided into several types:
The main sign of all types of an atrophy is reduction of volume of the injured muscle. Especially considerably it when comparing with pair body of the healthy party. Also the atrophy of muscles which symptoms depend on weight of process always leads to reduction of a tone of muscles and is followed by painful feelings at a palpation of extremities.
The choice of a technique of treatment depends on a set of factors, including on a form of a disease, weight of process and age of the patient. Drug treatment assumes reception of such medicines as: disodium salt of adenosine triphosphoric acid (30 injections intramusculary), B1, B12 and E vitamins, Galantaminum (10-15 injections subcutaneously) and прозерин (orally or in the form of subcutaneous injections).
Are of great importance also: choice of healthy nutrition, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage, remedial gymnastics, electrotreatment, psychotherapy and spirituality. If the atrophy of muscles leads to lag of the child in respect of intellectual development, then to it appoint the neuropsychological sessions designed to smooth problems in communication and knowledge of new.
It should be noted that at the moment time at doctors does not exist medicine which is capable to cure with guarantee an atrophy of muscles of legs and other extremities. Nevertheless, correctly chosen technique allows to slow down significantly process of an atrophy, increases regeneration of muscle fibers, returns to the person the lost opportunities. For this purpose it is necessary to adhere carefully to recommendations of the doctor, to perform all appointed medical procedures and, the most important, not to lose courage, it is possible to live in harmony with the world at any, even the most serious illness.
The American scientists made experiments on mice and came to a conclusion that water-melon juice prevents development of atherosclerosis of vessels. One group of mice drank usual water, and the second – water-melon juice. As a result vessels of the second group were free from cholesteric plaques.
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