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Крем для наружного применения 20% Азикс-ДермAziks-Derm – drug for topical treatment of acne rash with antimicrobic and antiinflammatory action.

Form of release and structure

Dosage form – cream for external use of 20%: the opaque white mass of homogeneous structure (on 30 g in an aluminum tuba, in a cardboard pack 1 tuba).

Contains in 1 g of Aziks-Derma cream:

  • Active agent: the azelaic acid – 0,2 g;
  • Auxiliary components: the benzoic acid, propylene glycol, арлатон 983 (glyceryl monostearate), глицерол, a kutana of CBS, silicone oil 350 CST, кродамол SAR, water purified.

Indications to use

  • Eels ordinary (acne vulgaris);
  • Melazma and other types of a pathological hyperpegmentation.


  • Age up to 12 years;
  • Hypersensitivity to drug components.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding cream is applied with care, on condition of exceeding of estimated advantage to mother over potential harm for a fruit and the child.

Route of administration and dosage

Cream is applied outwardly, applying with a thin uniform layer on previously cleared and dried face skin affected with acne rash, a neck and an upper part of a breast. For cleaning of skin and removal of pollution water and the soft clearing means is used.

Duration of treatment is appointed by the doctor on the basis of clinical indications and degree of manifestation of symptoms of a disease.

The squeezed-out column of cream about 2,5 cm long is expected all surface of a face, for drawing the quantity is defined on the area of the smaller size individually.  

Treatment duration at regular use of cream 2 times a day (in the morning and in the evening):

  • Eels ordinary (acne vulgaris): the expressed clinical effect occurs after 1 month of therapy, for achievement of steady result putting drug is continued within 2-3 months;
  • Melazma: at least 3 months, with obligatory use of sunblock creams for prevention of an aggravation or a recurrence of a repeated xanthopathy.

Side effects

  • Seldom (is more often at the beginning of therapy): passing burning sensation and itch, hyperemia, irritation of skin, erythema, peeling;
  • Perhaps: allergic reactions (including rash).

The burning sensation which arose after putting cream and pricking later passes 10-15 minutes independently.

Special instructions

Not to allow hit of cream on mucous membranes of eyes, a nose, lips or a mouth, at accidental hit it is necessary to wash out a large amount of water.

At purpose of drug during feeding it is impossible to apply with a breast cream before a lactation on area of mammary glands.

Use of Aziks-Derma can be combined with other methods of treatment of acne rash, adjusting doses of at the same time used medicines.

In case of strong irritation of skin in an initiation of treatment cream can be applied in smaller doses or to apply 1 time a day, and if necessary temporarily to cancel drug and to resume therapy in the recommended doses after total disappearance of irritation.

As the thermal melazma is insensitive to the azelaic acid, carrying out differential diagnosis with use of a lamp of Wood is required.

Cream does not exert impact on ability of the patient to control of vehicles and mechanisms.

Medicinal interaction

Interaction of cream with other medicines is not established.

Terms and storage conditions

Not to freeze, store in the place, unavailable to children, at a temperature up to 25 °C.

Period of validity – 3 years.

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Name of drug



Aziks-Derm cream for external use of 20% 30 g

595 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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