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from 145 rub.

Беллатаминал в таблеткахBellataminal is a sedative drug which with high performance is used at treatment of depressions, vegeto-vascular dystonia, neurotic conditions, frustration of a dream, disturbances of menstrual function. Drug represents a combination vegetable and chemicals. Use of Bellataminal is authorized from 18 years. According to responses, Bellataminal is well transferred and has high performance.

Mechanism of effect of Bellataminal

As Bellataminal is the combined drug, its action on an organism consists of the effects rendered by all components which are its part. Phenobarbital has sedative effect, reduces excitability of peripheral nerve terminations. Ergotamine and alkaloids of a belladonna cause insignificant spasmolytic effect.

Indications to Bellataminal use

Considering Bellataminal sedation drug is used for treatment of depressions, decrease in neurovegetative symptoms and also as an additional tool at complex therapy of concussion. The good therapeutic effect is observed at use of Bellataminal in treatment of neurodermatitis and atopic dermatitis, and also disturbances of menstrual function at women.

Contraindications to Bellataminal use

Седативный препарат БеллатаминалThe sedation rendered by medicine reduces concentration of attention therefore this drug cannot be accepted that who drives the car or is engaged at the work demanding speed of reaction. The spasmolytic effect has an adverse effect on the intraocular pressure therefore use of Bellataminal is contraindicated to people with glaucoma. A contraindication to administration of drug are pregnancy, feeding by a breast, children's age. According to the instruction, Bellataminal is the combined medicine therefore the individual intolerance of the components which are a part of drug is possible.

Features of reception of Bellataminal

Bellataminal, in the absence of indications to its use, is well transferred by patients. Efficiency of drug is confirmed by the mass of positive reviews about Bellataminal. However the effect of administration of drug also passes short-term after treatment cancellation. The ergotamine which is a part of Bellataminal has cumulative toxic effect. Drug should not be used at patients at whom disturbance of cordial conductivity is observed. It is necessary to follow strictly the instruction of Bellataminal as the overdose is possible. Nicotine and adrenostimulyator strengthen therapeutic effect of Bellataminal. In too time Bellataminal reduces efficiency of oral contraceptives.

Bellataminal overdose

At the wrong reception of Bellataminal the overdose which is followed by dizziness, drowsiness, expansion of pupils, difficulty of an urination, spasms develops. In extremely hard cases the coma develops. The help at overdose by Bellataminal consists in a gastric lavage and giving sorbents (absorbent carbon) then it is necessary to address to medical institution where the qualified treatment will be rendered urgently.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Bellataminal таб. N30

145 rub.

Аптека вер.ру, ОООApteka вер.ру, LLC
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