
At all times classical dances were popular. Many girls since the early childhood dream to become ballerinas and to appear on big stage.

Кому подходят упражнения боди-балетом?

Today in many fitness clubs the bodi-ballet – the relative new direction of dancing fitness based on technology of the classical ballet is popular. From the technical point of view the bodi-ballet – quite progressive direction which can be supplemented with elements of yoga and Pilates.

Preference during the occupations is given to uniform load of all muscles of a body, but at the same time injury of joints is minimized. The simplified ballet exercises on an extension help to find flexibility of joints and a backbone. But the main thing – lessons of the bodi-ballet allow to learn to manage own body.

Who suits exercises by the bodi-ballet?

The bodi-ballet is suitable for the people who earlier had injuries of bones and also for those to whom the strengthened cardio-trainings – jumps, run, etc. are not recommended. Occupations will do people with disturbances of a bearing good, and also that who aims to develop flexibility and grace.

Perfectly occupations the bodi-ballet will be suitable for beginners, and for those who just want to normalize the body, having been engaged in some interesting type of fitness. Bodi-balet perfectly pumps up muscles of a prelum abdominale and a muscle of legs, removes superfluous fatty adjournment in a waist and hips. Special attention in lessons of the bodi-ballet is paid to an extension.

How there pass bodi-ballet lessons?

One lesson lasts on average 50-90 minutes. Exercises of the bodi-ballet are done in the mode of average intensity. Most often, enter the program of occupations:

  • main elements of classical ballet dance;
  • ballet gymnastics;
  • ballet jumps, power movements;
  • ball pases and full dancing etudes;
  • stretching – increase in flexibility of muscles and development of plastics of a body.

As well as in any other sport, exercises of the bodi-ballet begin with warm-up which smoothly passes into the main part and comes to the end with relaxation. At the first fact-finding lesson you will be acquainted with the main poses and technical nuances of work near the ballet machine.

In some clubs also include parterny choreography in the program of the bodi-ballet – occupations in a prone position and sitting which allow to lower load of feet, and at the same time to increase it by other groups of muscles. Often add elements of yoga, Pilates, a kallanetika to exercises.

Occupations, as a rule, take place under sounds of classical music (that favorably influences mentality and reduces stress), and the correct performance of exercises demands endurance.

Efficiency of exercises of the bodi-ballet increases at their combination to the correct breath.

Positive sides of the bodi-ballet

The first merit of this type of fitness is that admit people of all age to group, at the same time level of training does not play a role at all. Therefore the bodi-ballet is suitable for beginners. Besides, build of engaged does not matter at all.

First of all occupations positively affect a bearing as promote strengthening of muscles of a back. Therefore this type of fitness will be suitable for the people with an unimportant bearing or who are often suffering from a dorsodynia.

Occupations at the machine promote recovery of a shape of legs, especially calves and the extension good will appear. And, naturally, disposal of extra kilos is guaranteed to you.

During execution of exercises of a muscle of a stomach, buttocks and hands are in constant tension that promotes significant improvement of a figure. But the main thing that is noted everything engaged - it is change of the relation to own body and finding of self-confidence. Especially it concerns people who did not do earlier any sport at all. Trainings do gait smooth and beautiful, improve body plastics.

Как проходят уроки боди-балета

Bodi-ballet shortcomings

First of all, It should be noted that occupations the bodi-ballet for beginners mean quite high level of loading. But it is rather not a shortcoming, but reality. Therefore it is necessary to be ready to the fact that at first after the trainings you will be hurt by all muscles.

Minus can be considered when trainings are held by the ordinary fitness coach, but not the person directly related to the ballet. Therefore it is worth approaching the choice of group and trainer responsibly. Ideal option if occupations take place not in fitness club, and at dancing school.

It should be noted that exercises of the bodi-ballet are quite problematic to be carried out in house conditions. In principle, everyone can get to themselves a big mirror wall and the real ballet machine.

Contraindications to occupations

Contraindication to the bodi-ballet are:

  • sprain and muscles;
  • problems with a backbone;
  • diseases of urinogenital system (for example, bladder).

In what clothes to train?

The simple knitted sports suit will become ideal option for occupations. But it is desirable to consider the following recommendations:

  • Trousers have to be fitting, so you will feel a minimum of discomfort during the occupations. Perfectly the fitting leggings will approach.
  • It is possible to put on an elastic bathing suit for dances.
  • From footwear it is better to prefer light gym shoes, sneakers or Czeches. Ballet slippers or pointes are absolutely optional.

At the choice of clothes for the bodi-ballet it is necessary to remember that first of all in it it has to be convenient to you to be engaged.

Whether you know that:

Blood of the person "runs" on vessels under huge pressure and at disturbance of their integrity is capable to shoot of distance to 10 meters.