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Bomb for combustion of fat

"Bomb" is one more of the means which are used for weight loss. This drug is positioned by producers as extremely effective remedy for decrease in body weight and correction of a figure. In a month loss of excess weight has to reach 6-12 kg. It is supposed that fat will disappear from a waist, sides and other problem zones. What the medicine is? Whether it is worth trying it in fight for an ideal figure?


В состав таблеток Бомба для сжигания жира входят китайские водоросли и алкалоид стручкового перца капсаицинThe tablets "Bomb" for combustion of fat are not medicine. It, first of all, means what any researches proving efficiency of drug and its safety was not carried out. It is also known that behind production of drugs, their structure and storage conducts more careful observation, than behind production of dietary supplements to food, such as "Bomb".

This drug incorporates several vegetable components. It is a set of the Chinese seaweed (Fructus Canarli, Basehr Nuts, Fructus Euodiae), and also alkaloid of siliculose pepper capsaicine. Both seaweed, and capsaicine are widely used in various programs of decrease in body weight. The expressed fat-burning abilities are attributed to them.

Besides, the tablets "Bomb" for combustion of fat contain a high dose of a left carnitine – amino acid which is synthesized in an organism and treats group of vitaminopodobny. The left carnitine is used in medicine for activation of a lipometabolism and correction of metabolic processes. This amino acid can promote weight loss under certain conditions.

What else substances are a part of "Bomb"? In recent years in the press there were several messages on confiscation of the drugs with the similar name containing in the structure prohibited to a free turn in the territory of Russia сибутрамин. Drugs on the basis of a sibutramin are used around the world for fight against obesity. This strong substance affects the central nervous system. Suppression of appetite and strengthening of production of heat are considered as a human body as its main effects. Therefore, the person does not eat, new calories do not arrive, and the saved-up fat is burned. Sibutramin helps to grow thin quickly in the first months of use. Further to it accustoming most often forms and weight is stabilized. Sibutramin has a number of side effects and contraindications to use. Therefore the doctor has to appoint any drug incorporating сибутрамин.

Action mechanism

According to reviews, "Bomb" for combustion of fat helps to lose weight quickly. The action mechanism drug is connected with complex influence on a metabolism in an organism. Most actively weight reduction can be promoted by the left carnitine helping to utilize fatty tissue in the conditions of exercise stresses.

If is present at tablets сибутрамин, then it suppresses appetite, increases heat exchange. Vegetable components of the drug "Bomb" possess laxative, diuretic actions. These substances eliminate hypostases and locks.

Indications and contraindications

The indication to use of this biologically active drug is obesity.

Not always excess body weight demands treatment by tablets. At the initial stages it is enough to change a way of life and food. If these measures are unsuccessful, then the doctor can appoint one of medicines for treatment of obesity.

Components of "Bomb" are recommended usually to those who has an index of body weight more than 27-30 kg/m ². Use of dietary supplements is possible only against the background of a diet.

Drug is contraindicated to all, having arterial hypertension, arrhythmias, coronary heart disease, a depression, to a digestive tract disease. Pregnancy and age up to 18 years are considered as a contraindication for treatment by "Bomb" too.

Route of administration

Препарат Бомба для сжигания жира помогает в среднем похудеть на 6-12 кг в течение месяцаTablets can be applied to fight against excess weight. To avoid side effects and complications, before use of any drugs consult with the competent specialist.

"Bomb" is appointed courses for 30 days. In day it is necessary to drink two capsules of drug. One capsule is accepted in 20-30 minutes prior to a breakfast, washing down with a glass of pure drinking water. The second capsule is drunk before a dinner. If you had problems with backfilling, after administration of drug "Bomb" in the evening, then postpone reception to day time (till 18:00). In a month administration of drug should be stopped. Reception of 1 capsule in the morning each 2-3 days for the supporting effect is allowed on an extent of 2-3 months. In that case if your weight corresponds to heavy obesity, there can be a need to repeat a course of treatment "Bomb" for combustion of fat.


According to reviews, "Bomb" is the strong drug influencing an organism from the first days of reception. Weight is really lost. Many note total absence of appetite.

From negative reviews of "Bomb" for combustion of fat it is possible to gather information on the most frequent side effects. Most of people consider that this drug interrupts a sleep, causes dizziness, headaches. Also regularly complaints to strong dryness in a mouth, a cardiopalmus, digestive disturbances arrive.

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