Main > Food stuffs> Swede


Swede – a two-year plant of family kapustovy. After landing on the first year the socket of leaves and a root, and on the second year – flowers and fruits (polyspermous pods) grows. The root for the second year becomes oval and large, its pulp of yellow-orange or white color. There is a theory which says that vegetable a swede was removed as a result of crossing of turnip and a white cabbage.


Useful properties of a swede

The swede contains a set of vitamins, minerals, sugar, cellulose, proteins, pectins and essential oil. At this vegetable there is a large amount of ascorbic acid (vitamin C), and it remains at long storage and heat treatment (even in the boiling water). Also vegetable the swede contains group B vitamins, carotene (provitamin A), vitamin P.

At a swede there is a large number of a microelement of calcium therefore it is shown to the use by the patient with osteoporosis. Also it contains magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, iron, copper, potassium and sodium. Considering rich vitamin and mineral composition, the use of this vegetable is recommended at hypovitaminoses, especially in winter and early spring the periods.

Caloric content of a swede is small (only 37 kcal in 100 g).

In the Russian traditional medicine the swede is used long ago, several centuries ago it was applied at catarrhal diseases. It is quite rational as the rich content of ascorbic acid stimulates immunity. It is also known of use of seeds of a swede for treatment of children for measles.

Vegetable a swede is a valuable food stuff, it is used at locks, recommended to include in a diet of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Diuretic property of a swede is known long ago, and is used at treatment of hypostases of various origin.

The use of a swede in food contributes to normalization of a metabolism, decrease in level of cholesterol in blood (which is laid in vessels and creates atherosclerotic plaques). Therefore at atherosclerosis it is recommended to include a swede in a diet.

The swede possesses also mucolytic action, that is it promotes fluidifying of a phlegm and emergence of productive cough. This vegetable perfectly helps at chronic inflammatory diseases of lungs (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma, bronchial pneumonia).

The recipe of honey juice from a swede for treatment of cough: one swede of the average size is cleared of a peel, crushed in the meat grinder, and mixes up with honey in the ratio 2:1. To accept mix on 1 dessertspoon 4 times a day, washing down with a large amount of water, it is not dependent on meal.

Swede juice excellent wound healing and antiburn means as phytoncides which possess strong antimicrobic action are its part. Applying of gruel from a swede on purulent wounds promotes their clarification and healing. Besides fresh juice of a swede is shown at treatment of an iron deficiency anemia as it contains a large amount of iron.

Antiinflammatory properties of a swede are also known therefore they rinsing of an oral cavity at inflammatory diseases of its juice are used long ago and give good effect.

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Contain in a swede of sulfowounds which promotes removal from an organism toxic substance and has anticarcinogen effect.

Swede also strengthen peristaltic reductions of intestines, improves digestion, normalizes a metabolism therefore it is very useful at obesity. And the low caloric content of a swede in combination with rich vitamin structure do it irreplaceable at fight against excess weight.

The swede is a hypoallergenic product (that is ability to cause its allergic reactions is low) therefore children of early age can include it in a diet.

At chronic locks it is better to use only swede juice as it has softer action.

The swede at acute diseases of digestive tract is contraindicated.

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