Quite often on the Internet it is possible to meet a question: "Girls, how quickly to lose weight?". Indeed, bystry weight loss interests many. Such requirement can arise, for example, because of an important event which will take place very soon, and you need to look brilliantly, but you have no time for wearisome trainings and sweeping changes.
How it is possible to lose weight quickly at a diet? It is necessary to show a lot of self-control and will powers. If you are sure that you will have enough will power, can try one of helping to get rid for the short term of time of 10 kg of bystry diets. Them a huge variety is developed today. One of them are actually productive, others on the contrary, can result in deplorable results: to bad mood, headache, dizziness, nausea, deep depression and other problems. But, having analyzed all systems and approaches to bystry weight loss, and also responses – how quickly to lose weight, below we selected the most effective, but, at the same time, the safe, allowing to get rid of 10 kg bystry diets.
Water-melon bystry diet from 10 kg in a week.
During a water-melon diet grow thin due to clarification of an organism from slags, toxins, salts and, naturally, extra kilos thanks to diuretic properties of this fruit. At this diet for seven days the water-melon has to be for you a main course.
The menu at a water-melon diet:
Breakfast: porridge, firm cheese (low-fat) and vegetables.
Lunch: meat or fish (boiled), the vegetables steamed.
Dinner: a water-melon (1 kilogram of a water-melon on 30 kilograms of weight of the person).
For a change you can vary products: to change types of meat, porridges, vegetables and fish.
Buckwheat bystry diet from 10 kg in a week.
This monodiet rather strict and difficult, but result is worth it. Buckwheat contains many microelements (potassium, magnesium, iron and calcium), vitamins (B6, B2, B1, PP) and proteins, and here carbohydrates practically do not contain. It is known that when the organism lacks carbohydrates, it begins to split fats as anyway it needs energy. Severity of a diet is that the whole week needs to be eaten only buckwheat cereal made according to the special recipe.
Recipe: we do not cook buckwheat. To begin to prepare it is desirable in the evening. One glass of buckwheat is filled in with boiled water, densely is covered and infuses till the morning.
Recommendations: ready porridge needs to be eaten without oil, salt, sugar or spices. In day it is possible to eat porridges how many want. If you want, you can wash down porridge with low-fat yogurt or kefir (without additives), but it is no more than one liter in day. Without restrictions it is possible to have clear water and unsweetened herbal tea. If it is too difficult to eat one buckwheat cereal, it is possible for lunch instead of buckwheat to eat hundred grams of cottage cheese (fat content – no more than 1,8%) or to drink 0,5 liters of the yogurt (fat-free) and to eat unsweetened fruit, for example, acid apple. The last meal has to be not later, than in four hours prior to a dream. As a last resort, it is possible to allow himself in one hour prior to a dream a glass of the kefir (fat-free).
To accelerate weight loss at a buckwheat diet, it is possible to resort to sport: to fitness or gymnastics, but at all not to power exercises.
These are the most effective and safe bystry diets from 10 kg in a week. As far as they would not be effective for you, do not forget that any rigid diet is a stress for an organism, and it is possible to use it only in exceptional exceptional cases. You leave diets smoothly, gradually entering usual products into a diet. Do not forget that the kratkostrochny and the diet is more strict, the quicker you can return to initial weight.
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