Application instruction:
Tsefekon – febrifugal and anesthetic.
Drug concerns to group of non-narcotic analgesics. Paracetamol is Tsefekon's part active ingredient. The mechanism of its action consists in cyclooxygenase enzyme blocking at the level of the center of thermal control in a brain. It reduces production of prostaglandins – the substances causing an inflammation and also returns a thermal control threshold to usual level. Thanks to it Tsefekon has febrifugal and analgeziruyushchy effect, without changing normal body temperature. In fabrics cellular enzymes of peroxidase destroy paracetamol therefore its antiinflammatory effect is expressed slightly.
Tsefekon's use does not detain in an organism excess of water and ions of sodium, does not exert negative impact on a mucous membrane of a stomach and intestines.
Absorption of paracetamol comes from rectal candles in arterial network of a rectum. The maximum concentration of drug in blood collects in 0,5 – 1 hour. It is capable to get through hematoencephalic and placental barriers.
Transformation of drug into inactive metabolites happens in a liver. In comparison with Tsefekon's analogs for intake at its rectal receipt the first passing of paracetamol passes a liver. Thanks to it medicinal load of it at such way introduction decreases. Removal of metabolites of drug happens through kidneys to urine.
Tsefekon according to the instruction release in the rectal suppositories containing 50, 100 or 250 mg of paracetamol.
Drug is used at children aged from 3 months up to 12 years for decrease in body temperature in case of acute respiratory diseases and children's infections (measles, chicken pox, scarlet fever), at fever during the postvaccinal period. It helps to eliminate such unpleasant accompanying symptoms as head and muscular pain.
There are good reviews of Tsefekona as about anesthetic in the period of a teething.
Do not use drug at its individual intolerance, inflammatory processes in a rectum or bleeding of it, at children is younger than 1 month.
With care use Tsefekon at pathology of the hemopoietic bodies (anemia, a neutropenia), inborn deficit glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy.
In spite of the fact that Tsefekon's list is safe for use for children from the earliest age, for decrease in temperature after inoculations aged from 1 up to 3 months it is used only once under observation of the doctor.
It is better to insert suppositories into a rectum after its emptying or a cleansing enema. The rectal form is especially convenient for small children who choke down drugs at a temperature or if the disease is followed by vomiting.
The dosage depends on age of the child and body weight. It averages 10 – 15 mg/kg/days, the interval between use of suppositories makes 4 – 6 hours.
Single dose: to children from 1 to 3 months insert suppositories on 50 mg, from 3 to 12 months approach rectal candles with a dosage of 100 mg, from 1 to 3 years on 1 – 2 suppository of 100 mg, from 3 to 10 years – on 250 mg, from 10 to 12 years on 2 suppositories of 250 mg.
The most admissible dose of 60 mg/kg/days. It is impossible to divide suppository because of possible uneven distribution of paracetamol in its basis.
As febrifugal without consultation of the doctor Tsefekon according to the instruction apply not longer than 3 days as anesthetic – up to 5 days. The doctor can prolong a course in case of need.
Tsefekon it is undesirable to use along with salicylates - perhaps toxic damage of kidneys. Drug strengthens effect of indirect anticoagulants.
According to reviews Tsefekon can cause allergic reactions, nausea, abdominal pains, decrease in a hemoglobin content, thrombocytes and leukocytes in blood.
Name of drug
Tsefekon D candles for is put. 50 mg No. 10, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)
34 rub.
Tsefekon D candles for is put. 100 mg No. 10, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)
42 rub.
Tsefekon D candles for is put. 250 mg No. 10, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)
51 rub.
Candle No. 10 cefecon N, Nizhpharm (N. Novgorod)
143 rub.
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