Main > Drugs> Tselestoderm


The prices in Internet drugstores:

from 233 rub.

Tselestoderm is the medicine relating to group of adrenal hormones and their synthetic analogs.

Pharmacological action of Tselestoderm

Tselestoderm possessesУпаковка Целестодерм the expressed antipruritic, antiallergenic and antiinflammatory action. According to reviews Tselestoderm applied on skin in the form of cream well is soaked up and easily washed away in case of need by warm water. The cream basis does not leave fat marks on clothes of patients.


Tselestoderm's use is shown for treatment of the following diseases:

• Eczema (monetovidny, children's, atopic);

• Dermatitis (solar, seborrheal, exfoliative, beam, intertriginozny);

• Neurodermatitis;

• Anogenitalny itch;

• Psoriasis;

• Senile itch.

Application instruction

Tselestoderm is applied on the injured mucous membranes or skin with a thin layer three times a day. If necessary for strengthening of efficiency of the carried-out therapy Tselestoderm according to the instruction can be put under a waterproof bandage.

Side effects

Tselestoderm's use can lead to development of local atrophic changes of skin for a long time (thinning of skin, emergence on it atrophic strips, expansion (dilatation) of a gleam of superficial blood vessels). According to reviews Tselestoderm leads to development of side effects in case of drawing it on area of natural skin folds (axillary area, inguinal folds, etc.) or under occlusive bandages more often.


According to the instruction Tselestoderm is contraindicated for treatment of pink and youthful (ordinary) eels and primary viral infectious skin diseases (chicken pox, bubble deprive, etc.). Also it is not necessary to use Tselestoderm in therapy of impetigo, a trichophytosis, candidiasis. Drug use contraindicated at children is younger than one year and pregnant women.

Form of release of Tselestoderm

Drug is produced in the form of cream or ointment in tubas on 5,0 and 15,0 grams.

Tselestoderm's list

Ointment and cream Мазь ЦелестодермTselestoderm contain 0,1% of active agent (Betamethasone).

Tselestoderm's analogs

In pharmacy chain many synonyms and Tselestoderm's analogs are presented: Akriderm Genta, Belogent, Betagenot, Betaderm, etc. All these drugs possess action, similar to Tselestoderm.

Storage conditions

Tselestoderm it is necessary to store in the cool place unavailable to children.

The prices in Internet drugstores:

Name of drug



Tselestoderm In ointment of 0.1% 15 g, Schering-Plough

233 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In cream of 0.1% 15 g, Schering-Plough

238 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In with Garamycinum ointment of 0.1% 15 g, Schering-Plough

289 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In ointment of 0.1% 30 g, Schering-Plough

320 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In cream of 0.1% 30 g, Schering-Plough

325 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In with Garamycinum cream of 0.1% 15 g, Schering-Plough

392 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC

Tselestoderm In with Garamycinum cream of 0.1% 30 g, Schering-Plough

521 rub.

Сеть московских аптек ИФКNetwork of the Moscow drugstores of IFC
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