Mechanical injuries of bones of a skull and brain of varying severity belong to the separate section of medical traumatology – cherepno to brain injuries.
Today the brain injuries complicated cherepno are in the lead in the list of the most widespread traumatic damages leading to a full or partial invalidism of victims and by a lethal outcome. According to official data of medical statistics cherepno brain injuries advance oncological and cardiovascular diseases and are in the first place among the reasons of mortality of able-bodied adult population aged up to forty five years.
This sad fact is caused by inevitably accruing acceleration of rate of modern life, the leader not only to increase in a similar type of injuries, but also to weighting of effects.
The most widespread effects cherepno of brain injuries is the disturbance of normal blood circulation of a brain, as a result, leading to partial or full loss of brain functions.
To return to full-fledged life and to save the person who was injured from cherepno brain injury, first aid has to be given immediately. And sometimes and decisive, the correct actions the first minutes after an injury are the most important.
Injuries of soft tissues of a skull are subdivided into two main types:
- the closed injuries (hemorrhages, hematomas, bruises);
- open (wounds).
Classification cherepno of brain injuries looks as follows:
- getting (with the disturbance of integrity of a firm meninx leading to posttraumatic infection of brain fabric);
- not getting (with lack of disturbances of integrity of a firm meninx).
Types of injuries of a brain at cherepno brain injuries:
- concussion;
- brain bruise;
- squeezing of a brain.
Cherepno brain injuries are classified by severity as follows:
- easy degree cherepno brain injuries (13-15. across Glasgow): bruises and concussions of the brain of easy degree;
- average degree cherepno brain injuries (9-12. across Glasgow): bruises of a moderately severe brain;
- heavy degree cherepno brain injuries (9. across Glasgow): bruises of heavy degree and squeezing of a brain.
The specific symptoms which are shown after cherepno brain injury are in direct dependence on its clinical form:
The probability of the positive forecast concerning the victim of cherepno brain injury depends most on timely and exact diagnosis. Early diagnosis in total with the treatment adequate to weight of a condition of the patient, minimize negative effects cherepno of a brain injury and serve as pledge of a complete recovery of all life-supporting functions and systems of an organism.
Special value of early diagnosis of craniocereberal injuries is caused by great risk of development of the secondary (posttraumatic) injuries of a brain arising against the background of a hypotonic or ischemic syndrome.
The most important criterion is clarification of the neurologic status of the victim. Assessment of a condition of respiratory and cardiovascular systems of an organism is made. Though the general inspection of the patient also is irreplaceable in respect of urgent assessment of his state, it does not give rather full clinical picture therefore specialists use tool methods of diagnosing:
- radiological inspection is without fail appointed to the patients who had a craniocereberal injury and being unconscious, in addition to X-ray of department of a brain do pictures of cervical department of a backbone;
- the computer tomography is the most exact diagnostic method at cherepno brain injuries;
- lumbar puncture;
- angiography;
- measurement of intracranial pressure.
The choice of tactics of maintaining the patient and treatment cherepno of a brain injury depend on its type and weight of a condition of the patient. Unconditional is the following fact – treatment cherepno of brain injuries, irrespective of degree of their weight, has to be carried out without fail in the conditions of a neurologic, neurosurgical or traumatologic hospital.
Acute first aid at cherepno brain injury means urgent transportation of any medical institution which was injured in the nearest traumatologic department.
First-aid treatment at cherepno brain injury on site of incident consists first of all in normalization and maintenance of respiratory and cordial activity of the victim. For this purpose it is necessary to provide free passing of air (to clean oral and nasal cavities from blood, slime, the emetic masses and the other pollution complicating breath). If the victim is in a depressed case use of the anesthetizing drugs is necessary.
Treatment terms cherepno of brain injuries at favorable dynamics assume stay in hospital conditions not less than 2-4 weeks, and in the first ten days after an injury - with observance of a high bed rest.
The weight of a human brain makes about 2% of all body weight, however it consumes about 20% of the oxygen coming to blood. This fact does a human brain extremely susceptible to the damages caused by shortage of oxygen.
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