Main > Food stuffs> Churchkhela


East kitchen is known for the most tasty and original dishes. But churchkhela is at the head of the Caucasian sweets. This traditional east delicacy is known from time immemorial. During archeological excavations vessels of a special form with texts which say that they in these vessels transported churchkhela were found. However, despite so old story of existence, the tradition of production of this delicacy remained up to now. The basis of churchkhela is made by nuts (walnut, a filbert, almonds) and juice, most often grape though it is possible to use garnet, apple and others – will be tasty anyway. Processing methods of production of churchkhela in different areas significantly differ, from here and a variety of taste.Чурчхела - восточная сладость

How to make churchkhela in house conditions

The churchkhela in house conditions made according to ancient recipes – a remarkable delicacy. On a thread nut segments then it all falls to ware with the thickened boiled-down grape juice which has to cover each nut are strung. Then the thread is taken out and dried in the sun. In several hours the procedure repeats while over nuts the layer in couple of centimeters then the thread with nuts is dried in the sun within two weeks is not formed. Then churchkhela is put in boxes for two-three months after which the delicacy develops a remarkable taste and a look – the nuts covered with the sweet dried grape juice.

Useful properties and caloric content of churchkhela

It is known that churchkhela not only is tasty, but also is useful. In ancient times it was taken with themselves in a campaign by soldiers – this product is very nutritious and unpretentious in storage.

  • Nuts contain 2-3 times more potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and iron, than in fruit, and protein content makes 16-25%.
  • Grapes win first place according to contents digestible glucose and fructose (12-18%). Besides, in 100 гр. 0,8-1% of organic acids and more than 20 microelements, 250 mg of potassium, 45 mg of calcium, 22 mg of phosphorus, 17 mg of magnesium, iron, cobalt and other minerals, and also the vitamins necessary for normal life activity of an organism contain. Juice of grapes is considered one of the most valuable medical, dietary and foodstuff. The pectinaceous substances which are contained in grapes in a large number are capable to reduce cholesterol level. Therefore it is useful at diseases of lungs, a stomach, liver, at gout, coronary heart disease, etc. Thanks to antioxidant properties grapes serve for prevention of cardiovascular and oncological diseases. The conducted researches proved that the structure of grapes is similar to mineral water. Therefore and toning up its juice, refreshing, makes medical impact.
  • Wheat used for preparation of churchkhela contains 50-70% of starch and carbohydrates, irreplaceable amino acids and protein, vegetable fats and cellulose. Besides, at it there are major microelements and vitamins. Рецепт приготовления чурчхелы в домашних условиях

The set of the useful substances which are contained in a delicacy not only improves health, but also brings a huge charge of cheerfulness. Caloric content of churchkhela makes 410 kcal on 100 гр. product. However this dish, having a set of advantages, has also a number of contraindications.

Contraindications to the use of churchkhela

This high-calorific product is not recommended to the people having obesity. It is not necessary to use churchkhela a sick diabetes mellitus. Cirrhosis, disturbances of an urination, the second half of pregnancy, the started tuberculosis forms, even allergic reactions to nuts and grapes can serve as contraindications. In these cases it is necessary to consult to the doctor.

But first of all, churchkhela – a delicacy which at the use in reasonable quantities is capable to bring the mass of positive emotions. Such charge of cheerfulness which is so necessary for inhabitants, both the large megalopolis, and the small town where continually the person is trapped by stresses. Tasty, compact and at the same time nutritious – not without reason churchkhela was taken in a campaign by soldiers in far times when preservation of forces and health was most important.

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The first vibrator was invented in the 19th century. It worked at the steam engine and intended for treatment of female hysteria.