Application instruction:
Proginov's cycle – means for treatment of climacteric frustration.
Proginov's cycle treats group of the combined hormonal means. Drug consists of oestradiol and Norgestrelum, and its medical action is defined by set of their effects.
Oestradiol is natural oestrogenic women's hormone. It stimulates reproduction of an epithelium of generative organs, including recovery of an endometria of a uterus at the beginning of a menstrual cycle. Ability to influence exchange of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and electrolytes in an organism, to strengthen synthesis of proteins, various on functions, by a liver, to create a structure of bones belongs to Tsiklo Proginov's properties.
Progesteronovy component of drug – Norgestrelum – a synthetic origin. It surpasses natural progesterone of a yellow body in activity. Norgestrelum stimulates transition of a stage of proliferation of an endometria to secretory, reduces excitability of unstriated muscles of uterine tubes and a uterus, strengthens formation of mammary glands, brakes an ovulation. It is known of weak androgenic properties of Norgestrelum.
According to Tsiklo Proginov effectively eliminates mental and somatic symptoms of a climax, prevents development of osteoporosis of a bone tissue. There are data on decrease in probability of development of heart diseases and vessels at treatment by this means.
According to Tsiklo Proginov's instruction release in the form of a dragee.
Drug is recommended for use at dysfunction of ovaries, climax symptoms in pre-and the postmenopauzny periods: excess perspiration, feelings of "inflows", irritability, depression, bad memory and attention. It reduces fragility of nails, formation of wrinkles, dryness of a mucous membrane of generative organs, the increased fragility of bones.
Proginov's cycle helps at a lack of oestrogenic hormones after operational removal of ovaries, at disturbances of a menstrual cycle and an amenorrhea, prevents development of osteoporosis and an early menopause.
According to Tsiklo Proginov's instruction it is impossible to apply at liver diseases, including at her tumors, at the complicated diabetes mellitus, a sickemia, cancer of mammary glands and an endometria, disturbances of a lipometabolism, pregnancy, deterioration in an otosclerosis during it.
Dragees accept inside depending on a cycle phase, 1 packaging is expected 21 days of reception. If at the woman periods remained, administration of drug should be begun from 5 in the afternoon a menstrual cycle (the beginning of a cycle is considered from 1 day of periods).
In case of a menopause, rare single periods or an amenorrhea Tsiklo Proginov's reception can be begun from any day. At the same time it is important to exclude pregnancy at the woman.
Packaging contains white and light brown dragees. The first 11 days accept on 1 white dragee once a day, in the next 10 days – on one light brown. After 21 days of continuous reception of means the break of 7 days follows. During this period the woman has a bleeding as periods connected with the termination of reception of Tsiklo Proginov. It happens in 2-3 days after the end of reception of a dragee. 7 days of a break later begin new packaging of drug.
Administration of drug at the same time is recommended day. If the patient forgot to accept the next dragee, it should be made in the next 12-24 hours. If the break makes more than a day, vaginal bleeding can begin.
According to Tsiklo Proginov it is capable to provoke disturbances in work of a stomach, headaches, nausea, a nagrubaniye of mammary glands, uterine bleedings, changes of body weight.
The 74-year-old resident of Australia James Harrison became blood donor about 1000 times. It has a rare blood group which antibodies help to survive the newborn with a severe form of anemia. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.
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