Application instruction:
Tsiprolet – the antibacterial agent from group of ftorkhinolon intended for treatment of the infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microflora, sensitive to it. Reviews of Tsiproleta prove its speed and high therapeutic activity.
Tsiprolet causes DNA synthesis disturbances, breaking thereby growth and division of bacteria. According to Tsiprolet's instruction it is especially effective in use for therapy of the diseases caused by gram-negative bacteria (shigellas, klebsiyella, colibacillus, salmonellas, etc.). Some gram-positive bacteria also are sensitive to it (streptococci, staphylococcus). Drug can be used also for treatment of the diseases caused by intracellular microorganisms (chlamydias, tuberculosis mycobacteria, etc.). According to reviews Tsiprolet has big efficiency at treatment of the infectious diseases caused by a pyocyanic stick.
Drug is not intended for treatment of viral and fungal infections. Also it has low activity concerning mycoplasmas and anaerobic bacteria.
At intake of Tsiprolet it is well soaked up. The maximum content of active agent in blood is noted later an hour and a half after reception.
Tsiprolet well gets in cells and therefore drug can be used for treatment of diseases with intracellular localization of the activator.
Its removal from an organism is generally carried out by kidneys. The elimination half-life makes 6 – 10 hours. Therefore it is possible to apply it two times a day.
Tsiprolet is issued in two forms:
Other names of Tsiprolet are: Ciprofloxacin, Tsiprinol, Sifloks, etc.
Indications to use of this medicine are:
According to Tsiprolet's instruction it can be used for treatment and prevention of infectious diseases at people with an immunodeficiency, for example against the background of immunodepressive therapy.
10 myths about infections, sexually transmitted
According to Tsiprolet's instruction it is impossible to use at pregnancy, in the period of a lactation, for treatment of the children and teenagers who did not reach 18-year age and also at the increased individual sensitivity to ftorkhinolona.
Intravenous administration of drug at a pseudomembranous coloenteritis and deficit is not allowed glyukozo-6-fosfatdegidrogenazy.
Carefully it is necessary to appoint Tsiprolet at various disturbances of cerebral circulation, the epilepsy, mental diseases expressed to a liver or renal failure. At elderly people Tsiprolet's use is undesirable.
At Tsiprolet's use there can be following side effects:
At emergence against the background of treatment of heavy diarrhea by Tsiprolet carrying out inspection of the patient for an exception of development in it of pseudomembranous colitis since this disease demands immediate cancellation of medicine and purpose of the corresponding therapy is required.
According to reviews Tsiprolet can promote development heavy an inflammation and even a rupture of sinews. Therefore at emergence of morbidity in sinews drug is cancelled at once.
According to the instruction to Tsiprolet patients during treatment have to drink a lot of liquid not to allow development of a crystalluria.
At use of this drug it is impossible to perform the work demanding speed of psychomotor reaction and the increased concentration of attention.
The recommended Tsiprolet's dose depends on weight of a current and localization of an infection, body weight and age of the patient, function of kidneys and the general condition of an organism.
At diseases urinary and respiratory tracts usually appoint 250 mg of Tsiprolet two times a day. At the complicated course of a disease the dose increases and makes - 500 – 750 mg twice a day.
For treatment of uncomplicated gonorrhea drug is accepted once in a dose of 500 mg.
Indications to Tsiprolet are also heavy coloenteritis, osteomyelitis, gynecologic infections and prostatitis. In these cases of Tsiprolet about 500 – 750 mg are appointed each 12 hours. Duration of a course of the carried-out therapy is defined by the doctor and depends on severity of a disease.
Pill is taken strictly to food and has to be washed down with a large amount of liquid.
At accidental or deliberate poisoning with Tsiprolet carry out a repeated gastric lavage. After the last washing the patient is given a suspension of absorbent carbon. As the specific antidote does not exist, carry out a symptomatic treatment.
Tsiprolet treats the list B and is not intended for performing treatment without appointment of the doctor. Therefore it is released from drugstores only according to the recipe. It should be stored in the dark and dry place unavailable to children. A period of validity - 5 years.
Name of drug
Tsiprolet тбл п / about 250 mg No. 10, Dr. Reddy's Lab./Cheminova Remedies
53 rub.
Tsiprolet of a hl drop. 3mg/ml 5 ml, Dr. Reddy's Lab./Cheminova Remedies
55 rub.
Tsiprolet тбл п / about 500 mg No. 10, Dr. Reddy's Lab./Cheminova Remedies
109 rub.
Tsiprolet And тбл п / about 500 mg +600mg No. 10, Dr. Reddy's Lab./Cheminova Remedies
202 rub.
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