All know that any efficient diet two making factors are the cornerstone of everything – is less and to be engaged in physical exercises more. As if just it did not sound, in practice usually to lose weight rather difficult.
The most efficient diets for weight loss can include various products, but, as a rule, there is a number of the general councils which allow to lose weight quicker and to keep the received result for a long time.
Nutritionists advise during observance of any most efficient diets to follow several simple rules which will help to lose extra kilos most effectively and without serious consequences. For this purpose it is necessary:
Nutritionists consider that fractional food during the day promotes the best control of appetite and weight and, as a result, efficient weight loss. Therefore it is necessary to add to the main meals 4-5 easy having a snack desserts, it is desirable consisting of fruit.
Protein brings feeling of saturation quicker therefore the efficient diet, according to reviews, has to include proteins more, than carbohydrates or fats. Enough protein helps to keep muscle bulk and promotes combustion of fat, keeping at the same time feeling of satiety. At the same time for weight loss it is necessary to include healthy sources of protein in a diet of an efficient diet – yogurt, nuts, cheese and beans.
Often to avoid the order of ready pizza, it is enough to take care of that it was possible to cook healthy food of the house quickly. For this purpose it is necessary that in the refrigerator there were always frozen vegetables, tinned haricot, meat semi-finished products from which within half an hour it is possible to cook healthy and digestible food.
The most efficient diets in addition to the correct diet have to include psychological factors and the correct exercise stress.
According to many nutritionists, the overeating is in most cases connected with stressful situations when the food plays a role of the comforter. When developing stresses psychologists recommend not to eat, and to switch the attention, having read several chapters of the novel and having listened to music, or to be engaged in east practicians of deep breath.
One more important component of the most efficient diets for weight loss is physical activity. At the same time it is psychologically important not to consider them as punishment that causes internal denial and rejection, and will concentrate that physical exercises increase an internal energy, improve health and a dream. It will help to develop a positive habit to be active not on coercion, and for effective weight reduction.
At the choice of an efficient diet for weight loss it is necessary to know that bystry diets which except grapefruit or cabbage soup do not provide anything will lead to bystry weight reduction, however it will be very difficult to keep the achieved result. Therefore if to pursue the aim not to lose weight to a specific celebration, and to lose weight forever, it is necessary to choose other efficient diets expected longer term.
One of the main mistakes at weight loss is statement of the unreal purpose. So, if to aim – to lose weight on 10 kg in a week, then anything, except disappointment, it will not lead to. Realness of a goal is an important factor of efficient weight loss. Therefore before beginning to follow a diet, it is better to consult with the nutritionist who taking into account specific features and preferences will develop the most suitable diet.
One more widespread mistake at weight loss is the admission of a breakfast. Mistakenly it is considered that it is easiest way to reduce the number of daily calories, however as a result the feeling of hunger should be reduced having a snack at work and increase in volume of food at a lunch. According to many nutritionists, the daily breakfast promotes maintenance of the correct digestion and healthy weight.
Also at observance of an efficient diet, according to reviews, it is not necessary to be weighed for control of weight daily. Often it gives a reason for frustration and feeling of the crash of hopes. If there is a purpose to lose weight within a month, then it is necessary to be weighed not more often than once a week that will allow to notice positive results and will give beliefs in own forces.
One more mistake is purchase of sweets "for the future". Usually in stressful situations or even at insignificant disorders there is a temptation to eat something sweet. Therefore psychologists advise by drawing up the list for purchases accurately to limit themselves in the list of products. It will allow to be reconstructed quicker psychologically and at nervousness to eat not cookies, but fruit.
Also during an efficient diet it is not necessary to be engaged in too intensive physical exercises, and it is better to give preference to aerobic occupations. It can be foot walks or easy jogging, driving by bicycle or swimming. At the same time it is necessary to find such occupations which will bring the greatest pleasure, but not to lead to overfatigue.
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