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Diet of 12 days

Диета 12 днейWhat is represented by a diet of 12 days

Duration of a diet of 12 days is defined by the name.

The diet of 12 days represents alternation of twelve monodiets. Indispensable conditions of this system of weight loss are careful observance of the offered menu, refusal of alcoholic beverages, salt and sugar, the daily use of 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Presence at a diet of 12 days of vegetable oil is caused by the need of an organism for monounsaturated fatty acids. One tablespoon of vegetable oil will not make impact, pernicious for a figure, but at the same time to saturate an organism with useful substances. In the menu original it is recommended to use sunflower oil, however in reviews of a diet of 12 days many positive examples of use of olive and linen oils meet. An indispensable condition of a diet is also the use during the day and before going to bed herbal tea, however some experimenters replace it with green tea. During a diet of 12 days the last meal has to be not later than 5-6 hours to a dream.

For the entire period the diet of 12 days, responses confirm, will allow to lose about 8-10 extra kilos. However it is necessary to remember that this power supply system, as well as other unbalanced diet, can do essential harm to an organism.

Menu of a diet of 12 days

In the first day, kefiric, it is authorized to drink low-fat kefir. In the second day, fruit, it is necessary to eat 5-6 oranges of the average sizes. For all third day, cottage cheese, it is recommended to eat 500-750 g of skim cheese. 12 days, vegetable, the use of a half-liter jar of marrow caviar assumes the fourth day of a diet. The fifth day, chocolate, sweet teeth as it is authorized to eat 100 g of bitter chocolate during the day will appreciate. For the sixth day, apple, it is necessary to eat 1,5 kg of the apples peeled of a peel. In the seventh day of a diet 12 days, cheese, are authorized to 350 g of low-fat firm cheese. During the eighth day, vegetable, it is recommended to drink 1 liter of tomato juice and to eat fresh vegetables salad. The ninth day will please fans of meat – 500 g of boiled beef. For the tenth day of a diet, vegetable, the use of salad from fresh vegetables, for example tomatoes, a white cabbage, cucumbers, parsley, fennel is provided. The eleventh day, cottage cheese, is similar to the third day, with only that difference that cottage cheese it is necessary to use 10 times less – 250-300 g. In the twelfth day, fruit, it is possible to indulge himself with 1 kg of fresh plums or 400-500 g of prunes.

На протяжении всей диеты 12 дней следует помнить об обильном питье и травяном чаеThroughout all diet of 12 days it is necessary to remember plentiful drink, herbal tea and vegetable oil.

Favourite diet of 12 days

This system of weight loss is called still an actor's diet of 12 days. It consists of 4 monodiets, each of which lasts for 3 days. If to trust responses, the favourite diet of 12 days allows to dump about 8-14 kilograms.

During the first three days it is possible to drink low-fat kefir in unlimited number, for the next three days it is possible to eat apples in any quantity. From 7 to 9 day of an actor's diet 12 days should be eaten the chicken without skin made in the favourite way – stewed, fried or boiled. At desire chicken can be replaced with fish, but it is necessary to remember that both types of dishes have to be unsalted. In the last three days it is recommended to drink red dry wine and to jam cheese, at the rate of 1 glass of wine on 30 g of cheese.

Some girls are confused by the last stage of a diet therefore one of them independently replace the last three days kefiric, others – in the ratio 1 to 1 dilute wine water, and the third – replace wine with orange or apple juice.

The favourite diet of 12 days is rather big testing for an organism therefore to repeat it earlier, than in 1,5-2 months it is not recommended.

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