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Diet of ballerinas

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
Prodolzhitelnost:7 days

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The principle of action of a diet – decrease in daily caloric content due to reduction of usual portions half. To achieve ballet forms, the diet is supported with fitness.

The recommended chastota:lyuby
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

It is considered that try to obtain fine-molded figures of the dancer by wearisome exercise stresses and half-starved life, and that if is not brought by genetics. During a diet of ballerinas, really, it is necessary to be engaged in the gym, but it is not necessary to starve. In a week you will get rid of 5-7 extra kilos.

The diet does not look rigid:

  • Usual portions share in two, the turned-out quantity makes one meal. It is curious that the diet at the same time does not undergo considerable changes, caloric content decreases at the expense of the volume of a portion;
  • At the menu surely there are soups as independent dishes, they are not supplemented with second courses and snack;
  • In one step food do not mix different proteins: fish and meat, dairy products and meat and so on;
  • Water is drunk for half an hour to food and in an hour after (not less than one and a half liters a day);
  • The most dense meal on the Diet of ballerinas – a breakfast;
  • For having a snack and lunches use fruit;
  • Choose low-fat dairy products and meat. Fatty acids arrive from fish and olive oil;
  • To achieve a figure of the ballerina, regular exercise stresses are necessary.

These rules are suitable for any power supply system based on a reasonable combination of products. However the Diet of ballerinas includes one more cunning which saves from extra kilos quicker - fasting days.

Диета балерин – принцип питания, основанный на снижении суточной калорийности за счет уменьшения привычных порций наполовину


The diet of ballerinas has no rigid restrictions and is based on rules of healthy food: to use useful products and to exclude harmful and caloric therefore loss of kilograms will not affect negatively health.

Over time the organism will get used to the smaller volume of portions.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The diet of ballerinas does not save from a large number of extra kilos for short term. More likely, she teaches healthy nutrition therefore you should not forget the basic rule of the Diet of ballerinas – reduction of portions. Thanks to it weight is lost, and addictions in food leave.

Rules of a diet look too general, one their observance will not mold a figure of the ballerina: the sport is necessary.

To give to muscles the form as at ballerinas, static exercises from a kallanetika, a bodi-baletaa and Pilates will help.

It is recommended to watch the caloric content of dishes as small portions and the fat-free products threaten with a shortage of daily caloric content and delay of metabolism carefully.

The diet is contraindicated to people with chronic diseases, before its beginning consult with the doctor.

What products are resolved?

Fruit, vegetables, fish and seafood, meat and dairy products with the low content of fat, still water, black bread, tomato juice.

What products are prohibited?

Refuse the products which did not enter the list of resolved. Mayonnaise, alcohol, sweets, flour, smoked and tinned products are harmful.

The amount of salt is limited to a minimum or replace it with soy sauce and spices.


The menu of the Diet of ballerinas beginning fasting days:

First fasting day

Breakfast: a glass of tomato juice without salt.

Lunch: two glasses of tomato juice, one slice of black bread.

Dinner: glass of tomato juice.

Second fasting day

Breakfast: glass of kefir or low-fat milk.

Lunch: glass of kefir, slice of black bread.

Dinner: milk or kefir.

Day menu of a diet (option 1)

Breakfast: 100 g of cottage cheese, kefir or warm milk.

Second breakfast: fruit.

Lunch: the baked fish.

Afternoon snack: any fruit.

Dinner: vegetable soup.

Day menu of a diet (option 2)

Breakfast: coffee, black bread with olive oil.

Second breakfast: banana or kiwi.

Lunch: soup on a beef-infusion broth.

Afternoon snack: apple or orange.

Dinner: boiled chicken breast, green salad.

Useful tips:

Council 1: In the first days of a diet count the general caloric content of the products consumed in a day, it has to make not less than 1200 kcal.

Council 2: To give to muscles the form as at ballerinas, static exercises from a kallanetika, the bodi-ballet and Pilates will help.

Whether you know that:

Was considered earlier that yawning enriches an organism with oxygen. However this opinion was disproved. Scientists proved that yawning, the person cools a brain and improves its working capacity.