Fat on sides and a waist looks very ugly, not to mention the whole bouquet of problems with health which it can provoke is and cardiovascular diseases, problems with pressure and even tumors. The inside layer of fat prevents full work of bodies therefore its existence is justified only in that case when the woman is going to become a mother (in this case the fatty layer is necessary for additional protection of the arising life).
But whether it is possible to remove sides? To get rid of fatty deposits, the diet for sides, naturally, in combination with active physical exercises effectively will help.
At observance of a diet for weight loss of sides the food allowance remains full, and here consumption of fats is as much as possible reduced.
Thus, the diet for sides means the following restrictions:
Besides, fat content of the consumed products should not exceed 12 g on 100 g of a product.
It is known that excess fats will be transformed to lipids, i.e. to own fats of a human body. On average the person needs 50 g of fats a day. If he receives their smaller quantity, then will be forced to use own fatty stocks. Nevertheless, be not overzealous – it is impossible to exclude fats from a diet as they play an important role in full work of all organism completely at all.
Now, having answered in the affirmative a question whether it is possible to remove sides, it is possible to pass directly to the resolved and prohibited diet products for weight loss of sides.
The diet power supply system for sides which it is necessary to try to adhere constantly is included below. Then you will begin to get rid quickly and effectively of excess centimeters on sides and a stomach.
What products cannot be used at observance of a diet for sides: chocolate, chips, fast food, gas stations and sauces with high content of fat, sausage, the egg yolk, nuts and sunflower seeds, sweet drinks, fat dairy products, compound lard, fat, smoked, sun-dried or salty fish fried or fried dishes, ice cream, confectionery, fat grades of meat and a bird, avocado, a dish and products which contain cocoa.
In a diet how to remove sides, it is recommended to include the following products: vegetables without fat gas stations, low-fat grades of meat and a bird, macaroni from firm grades of wheat, rye bread from bran, porridges on water or on skim milk, fruit, the fat-free dairy products.
Whether it is possible to remove sides at observance of such diet? Undoubtedly, it is only necessary to consider the volume of these or those products. The following distribution is recommended:
Thus, the daily caloric content of a diet for sides should not exceed 1200-1500 kcal. Also it is strongly recommended to combine a diet for sides with performance of special exercises for weight loss of a stomach and sides.
All will agree that at achievement of desirable result, especially, if certain efforts were spent for it, there is no desire at all to leave it. Thus, for resistant result of a diet for sides it is recommended to adhere to the following food allowance:
At observance of a diet for sides in moderate quantity the following products are admissible:
At observance of a diet for weight loss of sides it is recommended to replace sugar with qualitative sweeteners. And for improvement of taste of dishes it is possible to use natural herbs and seasonings.
Water can be drunk in any quantity if there are no restrictions for health reasons.
It is tabooed the following products:
Statistically, on Mondays the risk of getting injured of a back increases by 25%, and risk of heart attack – for 33%. Be careful.
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