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Diet for lazy

What is represented by a diet for lazy

Диета для ленивых на водеThe majority of diets, as a rule, assume food through the recommended periods, the use of certain products, restrictions in serving size. However not all can observe similar requirements: someone owing to insufficient patience, and others – because of objective impossibility to observe the recommended mode. In such cases the most optimum way of disposal of excess weight is a diet for lazy on water.

The principle of this diet is rather simple: at manifestation of feeling of hunger it is necessary to drink two glasses of water and only then, 20 minutes later, it is possible to start meal. Besides, the diet for lazy assumes one more restriction – during meal and within two hours after it it is forbidden to drink any liquid. According to responses, the diet for lazy, despite the seeming simplicity, allows to dump to 3-5 kilograms in one week.

Principle of action

What caused effect of a simple diet for lazy? Actually everything is rather simple:

  • The used water allows to lower significantly feeling of hunger therefore during meal it will be possible to be sated with its smaller quantity.
  • Water promotes blood fluidifying that involves acceleration of a metabolism that in turn, promotes more bystry splitting of fats.
  • After the drunk two glasses of water desire to drink carbonated and sweet drinks which represent one of the main enemies of a slim figure considerably decreases. Also hunting "to drink tea" and "kofeynichat" that in turn reduces probability of the use together with these drinks of their traditional satellites – candies, cakes, cookies weakens.
  • Water in enough allows to activate many functions in an organism thanks to what the person gets rid of usual feeling of fatigue, becomes more vigorous and mobile. All these changes will promote more active lifestyle and, respectively, stay in themselves forces for sports activities.
  • The diet for lazy allows to learn to distinguish feeling of thirst from feeling of hunger which very many people confuse, thereby sentencing itself to an overeating.

Alternative diet for lazy

Диета для ленивых позволяет сбросить до 3-5 кг за неделюVery many people practically do not use during the day usual water, preferring it juice, carbonated drinks, tea, coffee therefore even the thought that for once it is necessary to drink two glasses of water, frightens them. In that case it is possible to use other simple diet for lazy which menu looks as follows:

  • Breakfast – without restrictions. However it is necessary to remember the purpose and to try to prefer to high-calorific products less nutritious analogs. So, for example, sweet coffee and store juice are better to replace with green tea and fruit juice, sausage – meat of a turkey, usual sugar – reed.
  • Lunch – first courses on fish or chicken broth, the boiled, stewed or steamed vegetables, low-fat meat, fish and seafood. From vegetables preference is recommended to be given to broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, a cauliflower, a celery, greens. Follows if not to refuse then to reduce amount of ketchup and mayonnaise in dishes, having replaced them with useful analogs - the sauces made from olive oil, soy sauce or the fat-free yogurt.
  • Dinner – cheese, grain, low-fat cottage cheese, salads, fruit.

Indispensable condition of a diet for lazy – prohibition on food after 18:00. As responses testify, the diet for lazy is very simple performed by, however and it does not promise fantastic results – 3-5 kilograms in one month. However, exactly nutritionists consider such rate of weight reduction optimum.

Whether you know that:

According to researches, the women drinking several glasses of beer or wine in a week have the increased risk to develop breast cancer.