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Diet for summer

Диета для лета включает в себя только ваши любимые продуктыTo get rid of excesses of fat, the best time, than summer, not to find. A huge number of vegetables and fruit rich with a rough cellulose in a diet as well as possible promote decrease in body weight. Besides, products of plant origin are vitamin-rich also microelements that does process of weight loss by the most useful to health.

Mechanics of a summer diet

Process of weight loss at observance of a summer diet takes place due to high content of indigestible vegetable fibers. The organism should spend considerable amount of energy for their processing. Besides, food fibers are capable to inflate and take an important place in a GIT, sending thereby a signal to a brain of full saturation. Thus, at observance of a diet for summer the feeling of hunger practically does not arise.

At hit in intestines the inflated cellulose works by the principle of a whisk, stimulating a peristaltics and clarification. Moreover, it has ability to remove excesses of cholesterol and other harmful substances (in particular carcinogens).

The high content in vegetables and fruit which are used in summer food of various nutrients helps an organism to compensate stressful mechanisms – satellites of any diets. The diet diet for summer is rather artless and consists of your favourite fruit and vegetables. They are offered to be used in significant amounts at each meal.

Despite visible inoffensiveness before starting observance of a summer diet for weight loss, it is necessary to consult to the doctor. Diseases of digestive organs or other pathological processes can become contraindications for it.

Process of an exit of a diet for summer has to be so delicate, as well as start. It is not necessary to load at once an organism with heavy food and bystry carbohydrates, otherwise not to avoid a new round of set of body weight. According to reviews of a summer diet, in a month quite on forces to dump about 4 kg of weight.

Products of summer food

Except seasonal fresh vegetables and fruit in various combinations and in a view from salads with gas stations from vegetable oils, it is reasonable to include freshly squeezed juice in the summer menu, however it is necessary to control their quantity and not to abuse. Such juice can be dissolved with mineral water or to use in the form of a smuza, that is together with cellulose.

Keeping to a diet for summer, not to do without cottage cheese and other dairy products. Also it is necessary to consider the considerable caloric content of potatoes and to try to exclude this product from summer food.

Summer diet – 7 days for beauty and health.

The approximate menu of a summer diet for 7 days can look as follows:

  • for the first day one favourite vegetable which is used at each meal is chosen;
  • for the second day choose two types of fruit and eat them the whole day;
  • for the third day of a diet for summer eat only berries;
  • the menu of the fourth day – sour-milk: all day eat kefir and the fat-free yogurt;
  • in the fifth day use the vegetables in the boiled or baked look and also steamed;
  • the sixth day, as well as the third – berry;
  • and during the seventh day of a diet for summer only fresh juices and mineral water are resolved.

Летняя диета для похудения поможет вам привести своё тело в нормуObvious plus of a summer diet for weight loss is that degree of its rigidity can be regulated for itself individually. Before going to bed in any of days it is allowed to drink a glass of low-fat kefir. It is also important not to forget about observance of the drinking mode – in the summer the amount of the consumed liquid should not be less than 2 liters pure not gassy – mineral – waters in days.

The peeled and cut fruit are not recommended to be stored – they should be eaten right there, and to boil vegetables reasonablly in a peel.

Judging by quantity of positive reviews about a summer diet, in most cases it is effective. Following further rules of healthy food, there is every chance forever to set its results in the form of normalization of body weight.

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Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.