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Diet for the person

Употребление в большом количестве жидкости, овощей, фруктов, а также исключение фаст-фуда - главные принципы диеты для похудения лицаEach woman perfectly knows the problem places. Someone should remove couple of centimeters a waist, to someone – to make buttocks more elastic. Many women dream to make the person thinner and more graceful, people around first of all pay attention to it.

Special diets for the person do not exist. At observance of any diet extra kilos will leave everywhere, and a face – first of all.

For whom is the diet necessary for the person?

The double chin does not add to the person of attractiveness and does it is more senior than the true age therefore to get rid of excesses of subcutaneous fat and any woman dreams to tighten a face contour. Thus, the diet for the person consists in reduction of the consumed calories and an exception of a diet of those products which provoke puffiness of the person. As face skin thin, and vessels are located at a short distance from each other, at the slightest disturbance of blood circulation or stagnation of a lymph under eyes at once there are bags and puffiness which deforms a face contour.

Under the influence of such adverse factors even the most graceful and thin face will look full and bloated. Therefore the diet for weight loss of the person shall include the low-calorie products useful to our organism.

The main principles of a diet for weight loss of the person

Actually, the diet for the person consists in observance of four main rules.

The rule 1 – we adjust a diet. First of all the diet for the person provides review of a food allowance. Simple carbohydrates need to be reduced as much as possible. Candies, pastries and sugar are quickly processed by an organism also will be transformed to fats that is shown by extra kilos not only on a body, but also on a face. Besides, the feeling of saturation from these products disappears quickly, causing desire to eat one more portion of these tasty, sweet and soft rolls, having washed down it with a cup of tasty sweet tea or chocolate. At observance of a diet for weight loss of the person it is absolutely inadmissible. Ice cream should be replaced with yogurt or fruit jelly, and butter biscuits and pastries – honey and a cracker or house crackers.

Animal fats at observance of a diet for the person it is necessary to use as little as possible also. Of course, completely it is not recommended to exclude them from a diet as they are necessary for normal life activity of an organism. It is just possible to replace pork with veal, fish or a bird, and cottage cheese and milk to use fat-free. All products should be baked in an oven or to steam, so they keep all nutritious properties, remaining at the same time low-calorie.

The rule 2 – we exclude fast food. The diet for weight loss of the person means full refusal of fast food, semi-finished products and sweet sparkling water. These products break a metabolism and negatively affect outward and the state of health. Various nutritional supplements, spices and salt which are contained in these products fill an organism with toxins and slags that promotes not only to emergence of hypostases on a face, but also eels and spots.

The rule 3 – we use as much as possible vegetables. Fruit and vegetables have to make nearly a half of all diet of a diet for the person. It is possible to use them in a crude or boiled look, as independent dishes or as a part of a garnish. They support a water balance of an organism, deliver necessary useful substances in an organism and normalize digestion. Accustom themselves to eat some fruit or vegetable in each meal. Cellulose creates sense of fulness and stimulates an intestines peristaltics, and it means that the remains of undigested food will not wander and rot in intestines.

The rule 4 – we drink a lot of liquid. Shortage of water in an organism promotes bystry dehydration therefore skin "wears out" quicker. The diet for weight loss of the person shall include the use about two liters of liquid a day. It have to be mineral still water, citrus juice, green teas. As a result your person will become much more attractive, more graceful and is thinner.

Diets for face cleansing

In addition to weight loss of the face of many women various defects of skin, such as eels, spots, etc. disturb. Quite often such defects demonstrate existence of certain diseases, but much more often all problems can be solved by healthy nutrition and observance of a diet for face cleansing.Низкое потребление углеводов - основа диеты для очищения кожи лица

So, for example, reddenings on cheeks look very unattractively. Quite often women try to disguise them by means of powder or foundation, without attaching significance to what products enter their daily diet. And to get rid of reddenings on a face, it is rather simple to keep to a diet for the person and to exclude various smoked products, too hot dishes, spices and alcoholic drinks from the diet.

Eels and spots on the face disturb not only youth. According to the last researches people in whose diet potatoes dishes prevail (in particular fried potatoes, French fries, etc.) especially often have eels and spots on the face. And here at one resident of New Guinea of spots it was revealed not. Why? It turned out that in their diet food rich with protein, vegetables and fruit whereas food, carbohydrate-rich, such as macaroni, rice, bread, confectionery, is practically absent prevails. Thus, it turns out that the diet for face cleansing from spots and eels has to consist in low consumption of carbohydrates. It is recommended to replace all simple carbohydrates on difficult, for example, instead of white rice to give preference crude brown, and to replace white loaf with wholegrain.

Face skin peeling – also quite widespread problem. Many women, aiming to keep the weight under control, practically exclude fats from the diet. Here and to have to pay for such improper feeding to the person. It is known that at the use less than 20 g of fats a day, the organism begins to have deficiency of vitamin A which main purpose – protection of skin against a senilism. It leads to the fact that face skin becomes dry, begins to be shelled, on it wrinkles appear.

The diet for the person from a peeling shall include fats as they are necessary for an organism and skin in a diet. Include in a diet for the person nuts, and fill salads with sunflower and vegetable oil. But be not fond excessively, everything is good moderately.

And here to get rid of inflammations on a face and wrinkles, nutritionists advise at observance of a diet for the person to use a lot of fish as it is an optimum source of such fatty acids as the Omega-3 and the Omega-6. They minimize inflammatory processes in an organism which lead to obstruction of skin pores, causing emergence of cracks, wrinkles and eels. In addition to a salmon, a tuna, a mackerel it is recommended to include almonds, a filbert and a linen seed in a diet.

Whether you know that:

People who got used to have breakfast regularly have obesity much less often.