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Diet for a press

Овощи и фрукты нужно есть в большом количестве - это обязательное условие диеты для пресса для женщинThe flat and tightened tummy in beautiful open clothes – an eternal symbol of summer, issue and rest. However for long cold season during which all activity comes down to movement from transport to office and back home, including short calling shop the figure by summer usually demands correction which includes, in addition to a diet for a press, an obligatory set of exercises.

If for exercises it is better to address the experienced trainer who will help to pick up an optimum complex, then the menu of a diet for a press it is possible to choose for women and men independently.

If the purpose is not only acquisition of a slim figure by summer, but also a beautiful press, for drawing up the correct diet consultation of the specialist can be required. It is necessary in cases when it is necessary to make a diet for drying of a press and a diet for swing of a press.

Diet for a press for women

To women, as a rule, before to change something in life, it is necessary to weigh and think over everything carefully.

With it they can be helped by the diary of food in which for a start it is necessary to analyze a daily food allowance. For two weeks in it it is necessary to write down everything eaten and drunk, without forgetting to fix a way of preparation of dishes and volumes of portions.

When there comes time to analyze quantity of the eaten useful and unhealthy products, it will become clear that traditional food allowance is the reason of excess weight. Usually it serves as a strong incentive to changes in life, namely to go on a diet for a press.

Change of the diet will be the simplest and safe diet for a press:

  • Bread should not be excluded, however it needs to be replaced on wholegrain or otrubny;
  • Porridges need to be cooked from whole grain, it is the best of all on water;
  • It is recommended to add to the diet bran and various cakes (from pumpkin, a thistle or a seed of flax) which will help to clear intestines of decomposition products and rotting quicker;
  • Meat and fish also have to be present at a diet for a press, however it is not necessary to use pork at this time, it is better – chicken fillet;
  • Vegetables and fruit need to be eaten in a large number as they are a source of vitamins, cellulose and minerals. Best of all weight reduction is promoted by citruses, apples and pears that you will not tell about grapes and bananas. It is recommended to give preference to crude vegetables;
  • From dairy products on a diet for a press preference should be given sour-milk with low fat content (no more than 2-3%);
  • From nuts walnuts and almonds are considered as the most useful;
  • Seafood can be eaten almost daily as they at the minimum quantity of calories contain many digestible and useful protein and unsaturated fats.

Спорт и правильное питание - самая эффективная диета для прессаThus, if to exclude from a diet all harmful products which in addition to the excess weight and a round stomach lead to development of many serious illnesses then it is possible to make the full and tasty menu of a diet for a press for women.

Diet for a press for men

The list of useful products for women is suitable also for drawing up a diet for a press to men. And if it is difficult to women to refuse farinaceous food and sweet, than they often compensate feeling of safety and security from stresses, then in a diet for a press more problems cause refusal of smoked products and alcohol in men, especially beer.

Frequent use of beer promotes growth of a stomach that is visible on figures of residents of many countries in which beer is considered a national product.

Councils for the correct observance of a diet for a press

Per se, special diets for drying of a press and diets for swing of a press do not exist. However, choosing healthy products in the diet, and trying to use them in a proper correlation taking into account a necessary interval of time, for several weeks it is possible not only to lose weight, but also, at constant trainings, it is easy to pump up a press. Of course, for this purpose it is necessary to carry out a set of exercises which should be picked up with the experienced instructor taking into account specific features of a body.

So, for a diet for drying of a press and a diet for swing of a press it is necessary to consider the following recommendations:

  • Gradually reduce consumption of fats in the day diet. The majority of researches confirms that food fats lead to obesity. At the same time excess of fats increases deposits of subcutaneous fat quicker, than excess of carbohydrates. It is possible to use various spices, herbs and culinary methods which would allow to prepare tasty and at the same time low fat meals. However this recommendation does not concern the Omega-3 of fatty acids which contain in fat fish and olive oil as these fats are extremely necessary for an organism for maintenance of health and are prevention for development of many cardiovascular diseases;
  • Try during a diet for a press to observe a ratio: 1/3 any portions of food are sources of a protein (a chicken, fish, a turkey), 2/3 – sources of carbohydrates (potatoes, macaroni, rice). It is not necessary to replace two thirds with vegetables as they do not contain the number of calories, necessary for trainings;
  • Eat in the frequent, but small portions. It will help to support glucose level in blood at one level, and, so and will prevent feeling of an acute hunger which usually arises at meal three times a day. Besides, small portions of food are digested quicker and more fully;
  • For a diet for a press it is necessary to observe the following ratio of nutrients: 65% – carbohydrates, 20% – proteins and 15% fats;
  • Drink more liquid as during the intensive trainings of loss of liquid sometimes make up to several liters an hour. Regular reception of liquid will allow to prevent dehydration which badly affects process of combustion of fat. Preference should be given to simple clear water, however sometimes it is possible to take special drinks with the maintenance from 6 to 8% of carbohydrates (glucose polymers) and a small amount of sodium and potassium;
  • Dare to eat that there is a wish weekly. As if it sounded is paradoxical, however by results of many researches is noticed that too long restriction in food can lead to a stress as a result of which the organism will begin to accumulate it instead of combustion of fat;
  • Try to connect cellulose and liquid during observance of a diet for a press for men and women as together they promote more bystry advance of food on digestive tract. It will allow to reduce influence of metabolic toxins which are produced during digestion;
  • Not to overeat, it is impossible to begin to eat right after the training when the feeling of hunger is at peak. Before it nutritionists advise to relax and start food slowly and consciously. Also for control over feeling of saturation during food it is recommended to take several break.

The healthy nutrition in combination with performance of necessary exercises will allow not only to pump up quickly a press and to receive an excellent figure by summer, but also to strengthen health and immunity.

Whether you know that:

The stomach of the person not bad copes with foreign objects and without medical intervention. It is known that the gastric juice is capable to dissolve even coins.