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Doctor Dyukan's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment

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The diet consisting of several stages on everyone weight is lost with various speed. The final stage at which there is a fixing of result represents system of healthy nutrition which can adhere all life.

Recommended chastota:otsutstvut
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

The diet is developed by the French nutritionist Pierre Ducan and represents a power supply system, adhering to which it is possible to get rid of extra kilos and to keep the received result.

The diet is divided into 4 stages:

The first stage – "attack" or proteinaceous. Its duration depends on initial weight and makes from 3 to 10 days: if initial weight exceeds wished on 10 kg, then it is necessary to adhere to a proteinaceous diet 3 days, on 10-20 kg – 3-5 days, on 20-30 kg – 7 days, on 30 kg and more – up to 10 days. Loss of weight at the first stage – from 2 to 5 kg. The resolved products – proteinaceous.

The second stage - "cruise" consisting in alternation of days during which only proteinaceous products with days when add vegetables to proteinaceous products are resolved. It is possible to prepare dishes in any way: to cook, extinguish, bake, fry (without oil). At an alternation stage weight can cease to be lost that means the following:

  • The weight, acceptable for organism, which reduction is undesirable is reached. In this case it is possible to pass to the following stage – fixing;
  • Rules of a diet are violated, the menu included the prohibited products. If this is so, is important to reconsider a diet.

The third stage – "consolidation" on which there is a fixing of result and the acquired eating habits. The new products containing starch are added to the menu. A week (but not going one after another) meal in which it is possible to eat any products prohibited earlier is allowed to allocate two days. Duration of fixing is calculated according to the scheme: on one lost kilogram – 10 days of a diet.

The fourth stage – "stabilization", consisting in return to the usual menu. At the same time one day a week is recommended to adhere to purely proteinaceous food. Duration of this phase is not limited.

Диета доктора Дюкана – одна из наиболее эффективных и сбалансированных диет


The diet of doctor Dyukan is extremely effective, and thanks to smooth transition to a usual diet the probability of return of the lost kilograms is minimum.

It is the balanced power supply system at which menu there are vital macronutrients, vitamins, useful substances (except the first phase).

The diet is clear and created so that to avoid feeling of hunger.

Shortcomings and contraindications

The diet of doctor Dyukan is shown only to healthy people. It is previously necessary to consult with the attending physician or the nutritionist. On the first phase of a diet the exacerbation of stomach ulcer, locks, diseases of a liver and kidneys is possible.

The phase "attacks" can hard be transferred because of big load of kidneys and the uses of amount of the protein exceeding the recommended norms.

During the first stage of a diet the deterioration in health connected with shortage of vitamins and fats can be observed.

What products are resolved?

The list of the resolved products:

  • "Attack": beef and veal, meat of chicken without skin, a turkey, an offal, low-fat ham, fish, seafood, low-fat dairy products, eggs, oat and wheat bran, water, tea, spices in a small amount (vinegar, garlic, onions);
  • "Cruise": all products recommended for the use in the phase "attacks", and also any vegetables except what contain a lot of starch. Spices, gherkins, adjika, garlic, ketchup and starch (on 1 tablespoon), the fat-free cocoa are resolved. From this list it is possible to use two products a day;
  • "Consolidation": the menu can consist of all products resolved earlier. One portion of fruit during the day, two slices of bread and 40 g of aged cheese is added. Starch-containing products (macaroni, rice, potatoes, haricot, etc.) are admissible 2 times a week;
  • "Stabilization": all products are resolved. There are no restrictions, but the most part of time it is recommended to adhere to the menu of a phase of fixing.

What products are prohibited?

The list of the prohibited products:

  • "Attack": desserts, rich pastries, chocolate, sugar, alcohol;
  • "Cruise": peas, potatoes, dry haricot, corn, olives, avocado, pastes and grain;
  • "Consolidation": fig, banana, grapes, sweet cherry.


Example of the menu for each stage of a power supply system, excepting "stabilization" where the diet is formed on own discretion.

The menu for "attack":

First day

Breakfast: soft-boiled egg, 2-3 pieces of ham, yogurt.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese.

Lunch: the baked fish with garlic.

Afternoon snack: kefir.

Dinner: chicken breast on a grill.

Second day

Breakfast: yogurt with addition of natural vanilla, home-made roll from a turkey.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese with greens.

Lunch: beef, stewed with onions and garlic.

Afternoon snack: kefir.

Dinner: omelet.

The menu for "cruise":

First day

Breakfast: fried eggs, grated carrots, tea.

Second breakfast: beet salad, gherkin and carrots, kefir.

Lunch: vegetable stew, piece of fried fish.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: vegetable salad, carrot juice, yogurt.

Second day

Breakfast: vegetable baked pudding, coffee with milk.

Second breakfast: low-fat ham, tea.

Lunch: the chicken legs baked with vegetable marrows and tomatoes.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese souffle.

Dinner: an omelet with onions, tomatoes, kefir.

Consolidations menu:

First day

Breakfast: cheesecakes, fruit salad, tea.

Second breakfast: bread, ham piece.

Lunch: beef, stewed with vegetables and greens.

Afternoon snack: cottage cheese.

Dinner: fish cutlets.

Second day

Breakfast: apple, bread with salty fish, tea.

Second breakfast: cottage cheese or kefir.

Lunch: fish baked pudding, fresh vegetables salad.

Afternoon snack: vinaigrette.

Dinner: boiled beef with a green salad.

Useful tips:

Council 1: It is not recommended to adhere to a proteinaceous phase more than 10 days: it will not bring benefit, but load of an organism will increase.

Council 2: In order to avoid locks at the first stage of a diet add to the menu oat bran (to 2 tablespoons), and then wheat in number of 1 tablespoon. On the phase "attacks" it is necessary to drink up to 2 l of water a day. At the stage "cruise" the amount of liquid reaches 2,5 l a day, and the volume of bran – 2-3 tablespoons.

Council 3: At a stage of stabilization it is recommended to arrange proteinaceous day once a week and to daily eat 3 tablespoons of oat bran.

Council 4: For preservation of weight reduce the use of sweet, flour, tinned and smoked products.

Council 5: At failures it is not necessary to panic, reproach himself and to throw a diet, but next day, regardless of a phase, enter proteinaceous day.

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