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Montinyak's diet

Characteristic of a diet Final assessment
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The effective diet directed to recovery of function of a pancreas. The positive take is achieved owing to an exception of a diet of products with a high glycemic index and respect for the principles of separate food.

Recommended to the chastotayena it is defined
Speed of loss of weight:
Variety of products:

Michel Montinyak, the creator of the diet of the same name, after the long researches came to a conclusion that in most cases pancreas dysfunction is the reason of excess weight. Consumption of the products rich with simple carbohydrates promotes excessive production of insulin and transformation of carbohydrates to fat. Similar products have the high glycemic index (GI) and are contraindicated to growing thin. Products with a low glycemic index in insignificant degree influence insulin level, their Montinyak recommended to include in a diet, considering safe.

The power supply system of Montinyak is divided into two phases – directly weight loss and stabilization of weight:

  1. At a stage of weight loss only those products which GI does not exceed 50 are used. This phase assumes fractional, 5-6-times food in the small portions. The last meal – no later than 20 hours. Duration of a stage depends on quantity of extra kilos and makes not less than 1-2 months during which excess weight leaves and the metabolism is adjusted. On this phase the organism gets used to a new power supply system, the correct eating habits form;
  2. At a stage of stabilization of weight it is sometimes allowed to include products with GI in the menu higher than 50, except honey, sugar, bread and starch-containing products. Products with GI 50 are also more used only  in combination with salads and are not more often 1-2 weekly.

Montinyak introduces a number of rules:

  • In one meal not to mix fats and carbohydrates (it is allowed to do it occasionally and only at the second stage of a diet);
  • To begin morning with fruit. Fruit are perfectly acquired, quickly are digested, activate work of intestines. It is important to remember that fruit are eaten on a hungry stomach;
  • To use fruit juice only in a freshly squeezed look and without sugar addition;
  • To include the products containing cellulose in the menu: cabbage, lentil, fresh vegetables and fruit;
  • To exclude sugar from a diet. This prohibition concerns directly granulated sugar, and also the products supporting him: canned food, juice, pastries, sweet yogurts;
  • On a phase of weight loss to avoid the products rich with fats and bystry carbohydrates: nuts, pastries, dairy products with the high content of fat, etc.;
  • To replace white rice brown as white contains a large amount of simple carbohydrates;
  • To do pauses between meals: after a lunch, carbohydrate-rich, fat products can be used not earlier than in 3 hours;
  • To exclude sauces and seasonings from a diet: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup and similar to them;
  • To refuse the use of grain and vegetables with the high content of starch: millet, corn, potatoes, etc.;
  • To refuse alcohol (the glass of red dry wine is occasionally resolved);
  • To exclude the use of the drinks stimulating a nervous system and appetite: tea, coffee;
  • To drink not less than two pure liters a day.

Strict observance of rules of a diet of Montinyak will allow to get rid from 10 to 12 kg in a month at a weight loss stage.

Диета Монтиньяка – эффективная диета, направленная на восстановление функции поджелудочной железы


Montinyak's diet corresponds to rules of healthy food, is optimum for the person and is really effective in fight against excess weight. It is simple in use: there is a list of the resolved products, the list of prohibited, the diet is regulated, there is no need for calculation of calories.

It is possible to adhere to Montinyak's diet all life, keeping optimum weight.

In addition to disposal of extra kilos, the diet promotes improvement of a metabolism, normalizes work of a pancreas and digestive tract.

Shortcomings and contraindications

Before use of a diet of Montinyak it is important to get advice of the nutritionist and attending physician to be convinced of lack of contraindications, especially it touches faces with chronic diseases.

The diet does not promise too bystry results – it is necessary to stock up with patience and to wait for change of weight.

To eat often and small portions not always conveniently, especially if is it is necessary at work.

What products are resolved?

During the first stage of a diet of Montinyak products which GI less than 50 are resolved:

  • Meat, fish, eggs;
  • Milk and dairy products (except for sweetened);
  • Vegetables and fruit (with the high content of cellulose and low content of glucose), nuts, mushrooms;
  • Soy milk;
  • Bitter chocolate (cocoa share not less than 80%);
  • Wild and brown rice, wholegrain buckwheat, oat flakes in the raw (muesli), macaroni from coarse flour or firm grades of wheat;
  • Bread from coarse flour and rye;
  • Natural juice without sugar;
  • Prunes, dried apricots and dried apricots.

What products are prohibited?

Are prohibited:

  • Products from high-grade flour, especially it concerns puff and yeast dough dishes;
  • Sugar and sacchariferous products, including drinks (kvass, lemonade, industrial juice, alcohol, fruit drinks);
  • Vegetables and fruit, whose GI higher than 50 (potatoes, bean (except chick-pea), pumpkin, boiled carrots, beet, a water-melon, grapes, banana, a papaya, a melon, raisin);
  • Pasta and grain (except for those that are specified in the list of the resolved products).


Example of the menu on the date of the first stage of a diet of Montinyak:


Fruit apples, oranges salad, pears and cottage cheese.

Second breakfast

Handful of nuts.


Beef with a green salad, cucumbers and lemon juice.

Afternoon snack

Apple or grapefruit.


Boiled fish with brown rice.

Useful tips

Council 1: It is necessary to read attentively structure of purchased dishes or products, noting in them amount of the contained sugar. The matter is that sugar quite often is present even at those products in which least of all you expect it to see, for example, in sausages or sausage.

Council 2: Montinyak's diet is effective not only as means of fight against excess weight, but also as a way of its prevention.

Whether you know that:

Human bones are stronger than concrete four times.