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Diet for 2 weeks

Особенности диеты на 2 неделиPractically all in life at least once faced need to lose weight quickly in two weeks. Imperceptibly collecting gram behind gram, extra kilos are shown as if suddenly. In such situations a diet for 2 weeks – the correct solution.

How to lose weight in two weeks

For persons interested to lose weight quickly in two weeks in house conditions a large number of different diets is offered. It is necessary to choose the most suitable from them by the number of weight which it is necessary to dump also the most comfortable for style and a way of life.

The classical dietology recommends simple low-carbohydrate diets for 2 weeks. They are effective and safe, in two weeks it is possible to lose weight by 3-7 kg, the lost weight long time is not recovered. The modern diets developed recently are often extreme, are not physiologic, capable to do much harm to an organism, but such weight loss in two weeks helps to get rid of 7-12 kg. The main thing, upon transition to a usual diet after such diet for 2 weeks not to return back lost weight also with an increase.

The principles of effective weight loss in two weeks

The diet which is correctly picked up for weight loss in two weeks is not only disposal of excess weight, but also improvement of an organism, its cleaning of slags. It is not difficult to lose weight in two weeks if to follow the following rules at the choice and the use of products:

  • As much as possible to reduce the use of fats. To exclude from a diet the products containing the high-concentrated fats – oil, mayonnaise, cheese, smoked and boiled sausages, sausages, sausages;
  • To reduce the use of carbohydrates. To exclude high-calorific carbohydrates – confectionery, candies, macaroni and bakery products from fine flour. To exclude the carbohydrates promoting adipopexis – potatoes and rice dishes. Not to drink gassy drinks – lemonades, beer, sparkling;
  • To categorically exclude a combination of the products containing fats to the products containing the carbohydrates promoting adipopexis. Potatoes fried and "fr", chips, meat and fish in batter, confectionery with cream, bread and butter and any greasy food with bread;
  • To use useful carbohydrates and proteinaceous products. Energy value of proteins for an organism is minimum as organism costs of processing of proteinaceous food are approximately equal to amount of the energy arriving with this food. Useful low-calorie carbohydrates supply an organism with the cellulose promoting removal of slags;
  • The volume of food has to be sufficient for saturation, but stop eating it is necessary with feeling of slight malnutrition. Features of our digestion are that that sense of fulness comes not at once. Fresh apples and cucumbers will help to fill the missing volume of food, without adding excess calories;
  • Dinner Меню диеты на 2 неделиin 4-5 hours prior to a dream. Energy costs there is much less day power consumption at night. The energy which was not dissipated in active time of day, in the period of a dream is transformed to fats;
  • To drink in the morning on an empty stomach a glass of water. Day norm of water – two liters.

The diet for 2 weeks, according to reviews, will save from 5-7 kg of excess weight if it includes the following products:

  • Veal, beef, chicken, low-fat grades of fish, any seafood, haricot and mushrooms rich with protein;
  • The fat-free milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • Vegetables rich with useful carbohydrates. Spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, eggplants;
  • Fruit and berries, vitamin-rich and microelements. Raspberry, cranberry, bilberry, kiwi, plum, apples of sweet-sour grades, gooseberry, dogrose.

For the guaranteed weight loss in two weeks it is necessary to make simple calculation of daily need for calories and to make the daily menu so that its caloric content was 200-300 calories less. The additional exercise stress will also promote more bystry dumping of weight.

To lose weight in 2 weeks, a diet:

The diet with restriction of a diet will help to lose weight by 5-7 kg in 2 weeks. It is during the day allowed:

  • There are beyond all bounds crude vegetables, natural yogurts and cheeses of fat content no more than 4%, one egg and three average green apples;
  • To drink not less than two liters of water, green tea and natural coffee without sugar.

Such diet for 2 weeks, according to reviews, on condition of strict observance, will help not only to lose weight, but also will clear an organism of the accumulated toxins and slags. It is necessary to repeat it not more often than once in half a year.

The general recommendation for the entire period of a diet, for two weeks to forget about alcohol. It is not only additional load of the organism which is exposed in a diet to a stress, but also the additional activator of appetite.

Important not only to decide how to lose weight in two weeks, but also not to do much harm to the health. After a diet for two weeks it is necessary to try to set for a long time the achieved result, observing the correct diet moving more.

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