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Diet for 8 weeks

The diet for 8 weeks is the power supply system developed for the purpose of bystry weight loss, clarification of an organism and recovery of a metabolism.

Features of a diet for 8 weeks

Диета на 8 недель направлена на очищение организма от шлаков, сжигание жиров и устранение лишней жидкости в тканяхThe diet for 8 weeks is directed to clarification of an organism from slags, combustion of fats and elimination of excess liquid in fabrics. In 8 weeks the liver, kidneys and digestive organs are cleared, digestibility of food is normalized and immunity increases.

In the period of a diet for 2 months it is necessary to use the dairy fat-free products, fresh vegetables and fruit, not carbonated mineral water and green tea. These products promote enrichment of an organism cellulose, dissolve salt deposits and improve digestion.

For 8 weeks it is necessary to exclude flour products, meat, preserved foods, semi-finished products from a diet, vegetable and butter, potatoes and chocolate. Without restrictions it is possible to use skim cheese, greens, carrots, beet and apples.

To lose weight in 8 weeks, rigid starvation and bringing an organism to exhaustion is not required. Kefir, yogurt, eggs and fruit (a kiwi, apple, banana) will help not to allow strong attacks of hunger.

During a diet for 8 weeks it is necessary to observe accurately a diet and to eat food 4 times a day (10-00, 14-00, 18-00 and 22-00). The last meal has to include kefir or yogurt. The correct diet will allow to adjust work of the alimentary system and to gradually lose weight.

The menu of a diet for 8 weeks

The effective diet for 8 weeks has to consist of the correct diet for each 7 days. It is necessary to adhere strictly to instructions on food and to completely exclude harmful products from the menu.

The approximate menu for a week for a diet for 2 months can be made according to the following scheme:

  • first week (Monday, Wednesday, Friday): a breakfast – kefir, 1 egg, apple; a lunch – vegetable salad, low-fat cheese with greens, a glass of yogurt; an afternoon snack - kefir or green tea, apple; a dinner – vegetable broth, carrots, tomato, apple, green tea;
  • first week (Tuesday, Thursday): a breakfast - not carbonated mineral water, tomato, apple or fresh carrots; a lunch – fresh cabbage salad, cottage cheese with greens, green tea; an afternoon snack - fresh carrots, big apple, green tea; a dinner – stewed cabbage, yogurt, green tea;
  • first week (Saturday, Sunday): a breakfast – 4 eggs, a glass of kefir, low-fat cheese, tomato; a lunch – beet soup, spinach, apple and green tea; an afternoon snack – 2 glasses of not carbonated mineral water or boiled water, stewed vegetables with greens, apple/banana; a dinner – the soared vegetables or fruit, a glass of kefir.

On the first week of a diet it is possible to increase at strong attacks of hunger quantity of having a snack which menu can include curdled milk, paprika, tea with milk, nuts.

The menu of a diet for 8 weeks has to be balanced and contain products with a large amount of vitamins and celluloses.

During 4, 5 and 6 weeks of a diet the diet has to include the following products:

  • the baked vegetables (vegetable marrows, turnip, beet, bush pumpkins, eggplants, carrots);
  • fermented milk products (curdled milk, kefir, fermented baked milk);
  • olive oil;
  • fresh berries and dried fruits;
  • nuts and sunflower seeds.

Похудеть за 8 недель можно на 5 и более кгTo lose weight in 8 weeks (on 5 and more than a kg) it is necessary to drink daily 1,5 liters of hot boiled water. In breaks between the main meals it is necessary to have a bite fresh vegetables and nuts.

At the end of the 6th week of a diet it is possible to add to the menu an egg omelet, mushroom Russian cabbage soup with spinach, vegetable salads with addition of sour cream, garlic, boiled red beans, oranges, onions, a cauliflower, pears. In a day it is possible to use olive oil salads and fresh tomatoes with sour cream.

On the 7 and 8 week of a diet it is necessary to increase amount of liquid, and also to add cottage cheese, a large number of greens, boiled fish and fowl to a diet.

The diet for 8 weeks allows to use from 61 days of grain and a small amount of potatoes, and also to have tea with milk and a spoon of sugar.

On the 8th week of a diet the spoon of not refined olive oil in 2 hours prior to a dream will improve a condition of the alimentary system, will remove spasms and will eliminate hunger attacks on all night long.

Additional recommendations for a diet for 2 months

The diet for 2 months has to include not only the correct food allowance, but also an accurate day regimen with regular physical exercises. It is daily necessary to make foot walks in the fresh air, to practice aerobics or yoga, to accept vitamins and to visit a sauna.

During a diet for 8 weeks with the professional coach it is possible to develop the individual program of exercises directed not only on weight loss, but also on strengthening of the muscular device and improvement of a condition of skin. It is recommended to include jumps on a jump rope in structure of the program, exercises with an abuse-hupom and hydrotherapeutic procedures. At the end of every week the weakening and recovering procedures, wrappings, physical therapy and massage are obligatory.

Whether you know that:

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6,4 calories a minute, but at the same time they exchange nearly 300 species of various bacteria.