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Diet on chicken

Quite often the people dreaming to lose weight refuse various diets just because their menu does not provide the use of meat. If you are such fan of meat, it is necessary to pay attention to a diet on chicken. She will allow you to eat favourite meat practically without restrictions and at the same time also to lose excess weight.Особенности диеты на курице

In what a diet essence on chicken?

It is known that chicken meat is a dietary product. At its structure there are such important elements as the proteins, amino acids, vitamins of group B and many other microelements necessary for an organism (calcium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, iron). Besides, chicken meat contains polyunsaturated acids, and almost completely there is no cholesterol. For this reason doctors always recommend chicken to the patients having various cardiovascular diseases.

Before going on a diet on chicken, it is recommended to arrange himself three fasting days for which it is recommended to use exclusively boiled chicken. And, it is desirable to eat food gradually, but it is frequent, not less than 5-6 times a day. You watch that between food breaks made not less than three hours.

After that it is possible to begin directly a diet on chicken whose duration makes from two to six weeks. The diet on boiled chicken assumes obligatory inclusion in a diet of the chicken steamed or boiled. Also the use of chicken broth is allowed. Caloric content of your daily diet at the same time should not exceed 1300-1500 calories.

What products are resolved during a diet on boiled chicken?

In addition to chicken meat it is allowed to use also following products: various vegetables and vegetable salads with addition of vegetable oil and lemon juice, fresh juice, fruit, grain. Also it is allowed to drink a glass of dry wine once a day.

Despite undoubted advantage of chicken meat, before a diet it is recommended to consult with the attending physician.

There are also other types of a diet on chicken from which it is necessary to allocate a diet 3 days rice and 3 days chicken, and also a diet 3 days kefir and 3 days chicken. If time at you just barely enough, the three-day diet on boiled chicken throughout whom in food nothing, except it, can be used helps to throw off couple of excess kilograms. It is possible to drink various juice, water and grass broths. Such diet on boiled chicken allows to get rid of three kilograms in three days.

Diet 3 days rice, 3 days chicken

This diet on chicken is expected 9 days for which it is possible to get rid of 9 excess kilograms. That is, daily loss of weight makes 0,5-1 kilograms a day. Loss of such large number of excess weight represents for an organism a serious stress therefore before going on this diet, it is recommended to consult with the attending physician. The diet on rice, chicken, apples is contraindicated at a peptic ulcer of a stomach and a 12-perstny gut, some heart diseases and even at usual cold. The diet consists of three stages:

  • 1 stage - 3 days rice, honey and water. For one day it is necessary to stock up 250 g of rice (it is desirable white grades, long-grain, and here wild brown will not approach). 2-2,5 liters of still water and 3 teaspoons of honey are also necessary. Since evening rice needs to be filled in with cold water. To cast away it on a colander in the morning and to wash out under flowing water. It becomes to wash away starch from rice. Now it is possible to shift rice in a pan, to fill in with hot water in the ratio 1 to 2 and to cook for 15 minutes. Ready rice needs to be divided into 5-6 portions and is them for day. The last meal has to take place no later than eight o'clock in the evening. Water can be drunk in parallel with rice, and it is desirable to drink not less than 2,5 liters a day. Water should be distributed evenly that its too large number was not the share of evening. In the morning, in the afternoon and it is necessary to eat on one teaspoon of honey in the evening. It is necessary to observe such menu three days. Rice in this case cleans all toxins and slags from intestines.
  • 2 stage - 3 days chicken, honey and water. At the second stage of a diet on rice, chicken, apples it is necessary to stock up three averages of the size with chickens whose weight is not exceeded 1200-1300 by everyone. Since evening the chicken should be prepared in a double boiler or just to boil in a pan. It is necessary to drink at first 1 glass of water in the morning, and after already to start a breakfast which consists approximately of the fifth part of a bird. Other meat should be separated from bones and to divide into four equal portions which will make your menu for the remained day. Also in a day it is necessary to drink 2-2,5 liters of still water and to eat three spoons of honey.
  • 3 stage – apples, honey, water. For one day 1 kg of apples, 3 teaspoons of honey and 2-2,5 liters of water are necessary. Разрешенные продукты при диете на курице

If you for any reasons do not use rice, the first stage it is possible to lower and keep only to a diet on chicken and apples. The result will be quite quite good too. At exact observance a diet 3 days rice, 3 days chicken allows to throw off 9 excess kilograms, and a diet on chicken and apples – 6 kilograms.

Diet 3 days kefir, 3 days chicken

This diet on chicken allows to get rid of ten excess kilograms. This diet on chicken, apples and kefir also consists of three stages:

  • 1 stage – it is authorized to use only kefir. A little to sugar the pill, it is allowed to add a small amount of sugar to kefir, but raisin or dried fruits will approach better. It is known that kefir is very useful fermented milk product which effectively clears intestines, strengthens immunity and well affects a condition of skin, nails and hair. The regular use of kefir well influences a dream and takes off chronic fatigue. There are no restrictions in number of kefir. As kefir has good diuretic effect, it promotes removal from an organism of excess liquid.
  • 2 stage – apple. It is allowed to eat only apples in the crude, baked or wiped look. Apples of acid grades will be ideal. It is allowed to drink apple juice. The amount of apples is not limited. It is known that apples also bear big advantage for an organism: remove toxins, promote improvement of work of a liver and kidneys. Apples contain a set of vitamins and microelements (iron, manganese, potassium, etc.) that well influences work of a stomach, effectively clears intestines and normalizes work of a liver. Besides, acid apples bring cholesterol out of an organism and save from locks.
  • 3 stage of a diet on chicken – chicken. This stage is devoted to saturation of an organism by protein which is so necessary for health of the person. Many who kept to a diet 3 days kefir, 3 days chicken, assure that this stage is the most tasty. It should be noted that chicken is resolved only in a boiled look or prepared together with insignificant addition of salt. The baked, roast chicken, and also chicken grill are prohibited. It is necessary to use 300 g of chicken a day. These 300 g need to be broken into several portions and to eat during the day. It is possible to drink water without gas, freshly squeezed fruit juice, grass broths and teas with a small amount of honey.
Whether you know that:

Work which to the person not to liking, is much more harmful to his mentality, than lack of work in general.