Many people faced heavy feeling in a stomach after holidays. There is it owing to the excessive use of not too healthy dishes. Therefore observance of a diet of clarification these days is especially urgent.
Today most of people eat the refined food in which there are practically no necessary vitamins and microelements. But various dyes, preservatives and other chemistry in these products are enough. In addition, too sweet or greasy food is quite frequent guest on our table that is not really good as exactly thanks to it in our stomach and intestines rotting processes develop. As a result on all organism toxins begin "to walk about" and to settle in fabrics of bodies. They are also present at fatty tissue. For this reason excess weight quite often turns out to be consequence of a zashlakovannost of an organism. As the organism independently does not cope with removal of toxins, it leads to a delay of water and its accumulation in fatty tissues. Well, and various chronic diseases begin to develop further. For this reason the diet for clarification of an organism is extremely necessary for the person.
Generally by the nature it is conceived so that if to give to an organism such opportunity, it will be independently cleared. But at a regular overeating, the use of excessively caloric food, disturbance of a diet and at long reception of various medicines it is necessary to go on a diet for purgation.
Also clearing diet will not prevent those who has coffee, smokes and abuses alcoholic drinks. It is worth paying attention to a clarification diet to residents of large megalopolises with an adverse ecological situation, and also those who regularly has stresses.
The main signs that the organism needs a clarification diet are the constant fatigue and slackness, feeling sick for no apparent reason, heavy feeling in a stomach, headaches, rashes on integuments, irritability, bad mood, various problems with intestines, the increased glands, absent-mindedness, impossibility to concentrate.
There is a set of diets for clarification of an organism which differ from each other with the strategy of food and duration. So, it can be just refusal of a dinner, or a clarification diet which are carried out once a week. It is possible also one or two times a week to arrange an unloading diet for clarification and weight loss.
As a rule, the diet for purgation is always followed by loss of weight though the amount of the eaten food at the same time significantly is not limited but only all processed and high-calorific products are excluded from a diet. Thus, the menu of a diet of clarification consists generally of a small amount of fats, proteins and integral products of plant origin. It is necessary to include various herbs which revitalize in the menu of a qualitative diet of clarification and purify fabrics and bodies.
Preferential everything the clearing diets are expected the short period, and weight reduction happens due to removal of excess liquid from an organism and disposal of slags.
For a start it is recommended to complete a full course of the diet clearing an organism, and afterwards time in several months to arrange itself unloading diets of clarification lasting 2-3 days.
In comparison with usual programs for disposal of excess weight, the clearing diets usually more strict. It is the best of all to carry out clarification of an organism in the fall, in the spring or in the summer. Besides, for a start you should not change sharply a power supply system, and to observe reaction of the organism as sharp changes in habits of food can promote emergence of such undesirable side effects as a headache, dizziness, fatigue. Therefore it is recommended to begin a diet for clarification and weight loss on the weekend and during issue when there are no exercise or intellectual stresses.
Diets of clarification assume:
It is necessary to leave a clarification diet gradually. You should not at once begin to use the prohibited products. Preference should be given to products, vitamin-rich and minerals, and it will be better to refuse empty calories.
Our kidneys are capable to clear three liters of blood in one minute.
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