Diet after removal of a gall bladder – a medical complex of food which observance helps an organism to be recovered quicker after surgical intervention. After operation of removal of a gall bladder the diet is necessary for recovery of function of a zhelchevydeleniye and a metabolism in an organism in the mildest terms.
The first 2-3 days after operation patients usually do not feel feeling of hunger. Anesthesia can make sick and is, as a rule, recommended the first 4 hours after operation even not to use water and until the end of day only to rinse a mouth not sweet grassy infusions. Next day, when anesthesia will completely be removed from an organism, the use no more than 1 l in day of water and grassy infusions is authorized.
After 36 hours after operation water can be replaced with dried fruits compotes, rather weak tea without sugar and 0% kefir. It is necessary to drink each 3-3,5 hours on 150-200 ml any of above-mentioned liquids, however total quantity of drunk should not exceed 1,5 l a day.
For the third and fourth day of the menu of a diet after removal of a gall bladder considerably extends, food, such as is already added to it:
It is important to remember that one portion should not exceed 200-250 g 3-4 times a day.
White loaf, ship's biscuits and croutons without spices in the quantity which is not exceeding 100 g a day is added to a diet of the fifth day, and for the 6th day it is already possible to use oat and buckwheat milk porridges, boiled meat, skim cheese and fermented milk products.
After a week of a rigid diet the diet sparing which lasts 1,5 months becomes effective. Important during this period to remember that meal has to be small portions of 6 times a day, and all food needs to be boiled or steamed. After removal of a gall bladder for this period join in the menu of a diet:
After one and a half months of observance of a diet after removal of a gall bladder it is possible to pass to the general diet which menu included a rabbit, chicken, fast veal or beef, vegetables and fruit, one boiled egg in a week, salads with addition of vegetable oil or low-fat sour cream, porridge, boiled sausage without fat, vinaigrette, house milk and vegetable soups.
At observance of a diet after removal of a gall bladder acute, marinated, salty, smoked, fried, sweet, spicy and preserved foods (an exception fruit are), and also alcohol, mutton, fat sausages, pork, a goose, a duck and cocoa are strictly forbidden.
The diet after removal of a gall bladder has to be kept strictly on points as it directly influences the term of the recovery period. After the recovery period it is usually possible to be returned completely to a usual food allowance with small restrictions of greasy food.
After the gall bladder is removed, some patients have a frequent liquid watery chair which is characterized as diarrhea. In most cases it lasts from several weeks to several months. Diarrhea after removal of a gall bladder is connected with bile release directly in intestines. Usually gall bladder collects and concentrates bile, however after operation bile flows down continuously in intestines where it causes laxative effect and influences digestion of fats and fat-soluble vitamins.
After operation of removal of a gall bladder was performed, the diet and the following advice can help to minimize problems with diarrhea:
It is also necessary to limit consumption of products which can strengthen diarrhea, enter their number:
If the liquid chair does not pass and becomes speeded more up or sharp loss of weight begins and the feeling of weakness amplifies, then, having seen a doctor, purpose of drugs, such as the loperamida (Imodium) which are slowing down the intestinal movement, or reducing laxative effect of bile of a holestiramina (Lokholest, Prevalin) is possible in addition to a diet after operation of a gall bladder.
The person accepting antidepressants in most cases will have a depression again. If the person coped with depression by own efforts, he has every chance forever to forget about this state.
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