Main > Reference book of diets> A diet at a diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types

Diet at a diabetes mellitus 1 and 2 types

The diet purpose at a diabetes mellitus is the aspiration to normalization of processes of a metabolism in an organism. The most important indicator of the correct selection of the menu at a diabetes mellitus is permanent decrease in level of sugar of blood.Цель диеты при сахарном диабете - нормализация процессов обмена веществ

The general principles of a diet at a diabetes mellitus

To exclude sharp jumps of glucose of blood and to provide uniform absorption of carbohydrates in intestines the diet at a diabetes mellitus has to be under construction on fractional five times food – three main meals and two having a snack.
All meals have to be balanced among themselves on volume. So, the breakfast has to make about 25% of daily volume of the consumed calories, a lunch about 45%, and a dinner no more than 15%. Each of having a snack has to "weigh" primerno10-15% of a daily kalorazh.

Chemical composition of a diet at a diabetes mellitus has to look as follows:

  • proteins – 20%,
  • fats – 30%,
  • carbohydrates – 50%.

In most cases patients with a diabetes mellitus suffer from excessive body weight. For the purpose of weight reduction it is reasonable to reduce amount of fats in a diet of patients with a diabetes mellitus.

It is extremely important to observe the physiologic drinking mode. So the amount of the drunk liquid has to make 30 ml on 1 kg of body weight of the patient.

At catering services of patients with a diabetes mellitus it will be required to exclude products with a high glycemic index from a diet:

  • various sweets,
  • sweet fruit – grapes, melons, a persimmon, tangerines ит.п.,
  • white bread and fancy bread,
  • sweet drinks – gassy and alcoholic,
  • beer and kvass,
  • fats – mayonnaise, butter, etc.,
  • liver and fish calves,
  • spices, smoked products, hot dishes,
  • some types of carbohydrates – mashed potatoes, razvarenny rice,
  • processed cheeses.

As at patients with a diabetes mellitus various pathologies of a liver often develop, their food has to be directed to normalization of its functions. For this purpose with a diabetes mellitus exclude fat and fried dishes from a diet of patients, and enter porridge, soy, cottage cheese. Firm cheese is recommended low-fat also by no more than 30 g a day, and to eat fruit in the first half of day.

The carbohydrates resolved within a diet at a diabetes mellitus have to be slow – buckwheat, brown rice, pearl barley and millet. Also at food there has to be enough vegetables.Особенности меню диеты при сахарном диабете

Specialists recommend to try to include in the daily menu of a diet at a diabetes mellitus a lime, and it is necessary to refuse fructose. Well such products as sorbite and a stevia proved as sweeteners.

Diet at a diabetes mellitus of 1 type

Information that a number of products has to be excluded from a diet at a diabetes mellitus of 1 type is disproved by modern researches. Actually prohibited products do not exist. All question that the food allowance has to be made by the specialist according to the appointed therapy. In that case basic is a quantity of the used product and its ratio with others. That is an insulin therapy, the menu and the plan of exercise stresses represent a uniform complex of the obligatory measures making a way of life of patients with diabetes of 1 type.

Diet at a diabetes mellitus 2 types

The individual diet at a diabetes mellitus 2 types is selected the dietitian. In general it is characterized by the lowered energy value and an accurate ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The similar power supply system allows to keep blood glucose level under control, and also to minimize risk of development of complications of a basic disease.

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