Practically each person though once in life faces a lock. If the person tested it only once, then essential harm to an organism will not be. And here if locks become chronic, then there is gradual intoxication of an organism. Patients have multiple problems with skin: eels, fat seborrhea, raises allergic reactivity. Therefore it is important timely to begin to keep to a diet at locks at adults.
Most often this disorder of intestines is caused by alimentary factors, i.e. is connected with food. Diets for weight loss, insufficient consumption of the vegetables, fruit and other products containing cellulose provokes decrease in motor function of intestines.
Following on frequency (after an alimentary factor) the reason of locks can become the way of life. An inconvenient or unusual toilet on site works, sedentary work, impossibility to descend in a toilet in time – all this leads to locks. If to modify a way of life often it is represented rather complex business, then to remove a formula of adequate food at locks at adults does not represent big work. It is more difficult to modify food at locks at children. However the gastroenterologist or the children's nutritionist will help to make it. At children work of intestines considerably differs from work of intestines of adults. Children can use many products owing to age simply not. Therefore has to make a diet at locks at children the specialist.
For normalization of a chair at alimentary locks, first of all, it is necessary to change style of food. It is necessary to add food fibers to the menu.
They have to be included in food at locks as:
That the physiological need of an organism for food fibers was satisfied, in day it is necessary to eat about 1,5 kg of fruit and vegetables. It is often rather difficult to make it, especially during the winter period. Specially made food fibers which are on sale in drugstores or shops can come to the rescue. In addition they can be enriched with vitamins and minerals.
For prevention of locks it is also important to use enough water. The diet at locks has to include not less than 1,2-2 liters of liquid daily. Water is absorbed and softens food fibers. If liquid is not enough, then fecal masses becomes dense and is late in intestines. It is very difficult to keep to such diet at locks at the adults having a number of chronic diseases at which it is necessary to reduce the volume of the consumed liquid.
It is important to consider that at preparation of dishes it is necessary to adhere to the principle of a shchazheniye of intestines. It is also necessary to remember that at long locks often in intestines inflammatory process begins to form sooner or later. Therefore it is necessary to protect as much as possible mucous from adverse mechanical, thermal and chemical effect of food.
The mechanical shchazheniye means consumption of products last a razmelcheniye, wiping, etc. Such food increases motility of digestive tract and contributes to normalization of its work.
The chemical shchazheniye means an exception of the use of acid, hot, salty, fried dishes since they are capable to increase secretory activity of digestive tract, and some influence excitingly all organism.
The thermal shchazheniye means consumption of dishes which temperature is in an interval of 15-65 °C.
It is also important to observe an interval between meals and not to have supper later, than in 2-3 hours prior to withdrawal to a dream.
Scientists from the Oxford university conducted a number of researches during which they came to a conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to a human brain as leads to decrease in its weight. Therefore scientists recommend not to exclude completely from the diet fish and meat.
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