There are various ways of fight against excess weight among which the diet for a week of 5 kg takes not the last place.
Weight loss – the complex of actions directed to weight reduction of an organism for the purpose of its improvement, finding of esthetic attractiveness, increase in a tone.
Diet – one of irreplaceable actions representing set of rules and norms of healthy food which aim at improvement and maintenance of a healthy condition of an organism.
Inefficiency of many diets and techniques of weight loss is that the diet initially is subject to the wrong interpretation. The healthy nutrition which will allow an organism to be cleared of slags and toxins has to be the cornerstone of a diet, to normalize functioning of a GIT, and also to reduce fatty deposits. Many people in the aspiration to lose weight quickly by 5 kg turn any diet into starvation that represents a stress for an organism.
The diet has to contain all necessary micro and macrocells for maintenance of normal functioning of an organism, but not to bring it to a stress state. Bystry loss of weight leads to its same bystry set.
Before a diet for a week of 5 kg it is necessary to define compliance of energy value of food to requirements of an organism. So, all know that a way of life, work, the state of health, age and a sex in many respects define the need of an organism for food. The exception of necessary elements will cause organism exhaustion that in turn can provoke stresses, depressions, an anoreskiya, infertility (men's and women's), disturbances of functioning of endocrine system and, as a result, hormonal failures, gastrointestinal diseases, dyspepsias and other functional frustration.
Inefficiency of various diets can be caused by the following factors:
It is worth remembering that all diets have only recommendatory character. Any diet will be inefficient at non-compliance with a diet and diet. The diet "Week minus 5 kg" offers a healthy diet and a complex of the actions directed to clarification of an organism. Before beginning a diet for a week of 5 kg it is necessary to understand that big loss of weight for so insignificant span can turn back a stress for an organism. In the presence of gastrointestinal diseases, nervous and cardiovascular systems to everyone, wishing to lose weight, consultation of the doctor, and also comprehensive examination is necessary.
Features of a diet for a week of 5 kg consists in special balance of elements and a diet. The diet for a week of 5 kg suggests to change a diet and a diet without stress for an organism. At the heart of a diet – vegetables and fruit which make 60% of a diet. Other 40% of a diet fall on fermented milk products, grain and meat.
Vegetables, fruit and sour-milk bacteria are necessary for an organism for normal functioning of a stomach and intestines, and according to their natural clarification.
The diet "Week minus 5 kg" suggests not to starve, and to eat more vegetable food. So, the diet provides fractional food, the number of meals increases to five in day, three of which will consist of fruit, vegetable salads, low-fat cottage cheese, the fat-free yogurt and kefir.
Keeping to a diet for a week of 5 kg, it is necessary to adhere to the recommended mode. The crude fruit and vegetables consumed during a diet can provoke increased feeling of hunger. At such diet it is very important not to break balance of necessary substances.
In the first days of a diet many observe changes of a vermicular movement of intestines (emergence of gases) that is explained by the use of fruit and vegetables. Such phenomenon is considered norm. All diet can be followed by feeling of discomfort in a stomach, diarrhea. In case of severe diarrhea it is not recommended to interrupt a diet. For normalization of a chair it is necessary to divide consumption of juicy fruit, vegetables and fermented milk products in food.
It is also necessary to watch level of consumption of liquids. The diet for a week of 5 kg can lead to organism dehydration therefore it is extremely important to watch amount of the drunk liquid.
The main mistakes at a bystry diet of 5 kg are:
Adhering to a bystry diet, 5 kg can be lost both in a week, and for a little bigger term. In the first two-three days each person defines reaction of the organism to the changed diet and a diet. To predict whether the person will be able to lose 5 kg in a week, it is impossible as loss of weight is completely caused by features of an organism.
Asking a question how quickly to lose weight by 5 kg, it is necessary to understand that the quicker weight is lost, the quicker it is returned afterwards. The optimum mode of weight reduction are about 500 g a week and, therefore, to 2 kg a month. The diet for a week of 5 kg will allow to lose quickly weight, however it is necessary to remember that in the course of weight loss it is important not to achieve a certain result, and to fix it. The Bystry diet (for a week of 5 kg) can affect the state of health of the person extremely negatively. Nutritionists do not recommend to resort to bystry methods how to lose weight by 5 kg, often. If there is a problem of excess weight with which the person not in forces to cope independently, then it is in that case better to see a doctor for identification of the disturbances in an organism causing excess weight. So, if endocrine disturbances become the reason of excess weight, then diets will be ineffective as after decrease weight will be returned again.
Now the diet of 7 days of 5 kg enjoys special popularity as such diet allows not to starve, consuming tasty and useful products in unlimited number.
For achievement of desirable effect the diet of 7 days of 5 kg offers the following diet:
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