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The nutritionist – the doctor dealing with issues of a balanced diet including medical. As a rule, the nutritionist carries out reception in medical or sanatorium institutions.

Диетолог – врач, занимающийся вопросами рационального питания, в том числе и лечебного

The dietitian carries out selection of a diet, helps the patient to pick up the healthy nutrition, physiologically balanced healthy and convenient for life. Convenience is an important factor as only then there is an opportunity to adhere to the principles of the picked-up healthy food not a certain period, and throughout all life. Therefore councils of the nutritionist have to be selected taking into account a rhythm of life, habits, flavoring preferences of the patient. In addition, the diet which is picked up by the dietitian has to give feeling of saturation and keep health of the patient.

The competent nutritionist will always consider the state of health of the patient. According to nutritionists, even the small deviations in health of the patient revealed only by testing are a reason for modification of food.

But one knowledge still is not enough, they need to be put into practice. Competence of the nutritionist includes change of the relation of the patient to food. When, by councils of the nutritionist, the patient who is earlier thoughtlessly absorbing junk food begins to turn in a gourmet which at first estimates, chooses and only then eats, here then it is possible to say that healthy food became a norm of life of the patient. As a rule, similar process takes several months and is often connected with certain difficulties in work of the dietitian. It is possible to change habits only in that case when new it is much more interesting and more pleasant old, and brings positive takes. Therefore the nutritionist, according to reviews, has to be able to solve as well psychological problems, namely:

  • How will learn to derive pleasure from life without the aid of food?
  • Where to take desire and forces to change itself?
  • What will the person receive as a result of changes?

Besides, the dietitian has to support patients constantly. When is with whom to discuss sore problems to whom to show the achieved results, it is much easier to change. People often in any undertakings lack competent support.

In what diseases the nutritionist is engaged?

  • Disturbances of work of the alimentary system (heartburn, an eructation, discomfort and weight in a stomach, intestines swelling, bitterness in a mouth, frustration of a chair, etc.);
  • Headaches, migraines;
  • Deficit of weight;
  • Joint pains, arterial hypertension;
  • Skin rashes (seborrheal, acne, allergic), itch;
  • Increase in level of cholesterol in blood;
  • Allergic pharyngitises, conjunctivitis, rhinitises. Vasculomotor rhinitis;
  • Increased fatigue, drowsiness, emotional instability, decrease in working capacity.

When it is necessary to descend on reception to the nutritionist?

  • High content of sugar in blood (it is higher than 5,6 mmol/l on an empty stomach);
  • Obesity (the waist volume men more than 102 centimeters, and at women have more than 88 centimeters);
  • Low level in blood of lipoproteids of high density (women have lower than 1,3 mmol/l and men have 1 mmol/l);
  • High content of triglycerides in blood (it is higher than 1,7 mmol/l);
  • High arterial pressure (it is higher than 130/85 mm of a mercury column).

On reception the nutritionist can ask the patient to make the following analyses:

  • "Biochemistry" and the "developed" blood, definition of thyritropic hormone, the general analysis of urine, and other analyses which will help to exclude "good reasons" of excessive weight;
  • "The metabolic syndrome" at which against the background of excessive weight exchange of carbohydrates changes and raises pressure (the ABP higher than 130/85 mm of a mercury column, the content in blood of sugar is higher than 5,6 mmol/l).
  • Allergological screening food Ig E panel.

Also on reception the nutritionist can conduct ultrasound examination of abdominal organs which will give it an idea of work of a bladder, digestive organs and a pancreas. This research plays a large role as, according to nutritionists, the vast majority of complications of the emergency diets is connected with the latent diseases of these bodies.

Councils of the nutritionist

  • It is necessary to eat often, approximately each three hours, but in the small portions. However you should not go into extremes, namely, to have a bite constantly cookies and sandwiches;
  • The last meal not has to be 18 hours are later;
  • Food should be eaten slowly, carefully chewing it;
  • During food it is useful to drink water. So, for example, for half an hour before meal it is possible to drink a glass of water, and to begin food with soup;
  • It is better to use meat fast, prepared by cooking, roasting or on couple;
  • It is worth using less products with a large number of calories and high content of fat;
  • It is necessary to remember the "hidden" fats;
  • Part of animal protein can be replaced on vegetable as they have lower caloric content;
  • Never to be necessary to visit supermarkets, previously without having supported.
Whether you know that:

During sneezing our organism completely stops working. Even heart stops.